“There,” he whispers before biting down on my ear. “Good girl.” “I hate you,” I murmur. “I hate you.” “If you say that one more time, I’m going to fuck you in a more public place. I’ll make the entire world see how much you hate me while you’re bouncing on my cock and screaming my fucking name.” My eyes fly open and I gasp through the sob. I know, I just know that Aiden’s threats aren’t empty ones. The crazy psycho would do it.
Elsa-Aiden.Kitabı okudu
The most tireless laudator, I pinch you in my palm. My pampered darlin, My paradoxical talker. A patent example, you have become; of a pointless tale, in a smothered sob.
“Names are important,” she said, twirling the cord. “Mine is Ojka, and I have orders to keep you out.” Beyond the doors, Kell let out a scream of frustration, a sob of pain. “My name is Lila Bard,” she answered, drawing her favorite knife, “and I don’t give a damn.”
Part 1 - Chapter VIKitabı okudu
Somewhere along the way, his laughter changes, deepening until he’s not laughing but sobbing. I lay in his arms, feeling even more awkward and uncomfortable than I did before. I don’t know what I expected when I saved him, but I don’t think it was this. The third horseman of the apocalypse is having a mental breakdown right next to me. The sound is awful, his shoulders heaving with each sob.
imdb.com/title/tt3663020 This movie is JUST SO EMOTIONAL. I just cried. Little girl's life is so bad. I watch the movie,s trailer first but the name of the movie was very strange to me but if you watch it you will understand the meaning. Bu film SADECE ÇOK DUYGUSAL. sadece ağladım Küçük kızın hayatı çok kötü. Önce fragmanını izledim amma filmin adı bana çok garip geldi ama izleyince anlamını anlayacaksınız.
“Avoid large places at night,” the woman said. “Keep to small.” “Small?” Ollie was torn between wanting to run and wanting to understand. “That’s it?” “Small!” shrieked the woman. “Small spaces! Keep to small spaces or see what happens to you! Just see! ” She burst into wild laughter. The plastic witch sitting on the Brewsters’ porch laughed like that. “Now give me that book! ” Her laughter turned into a whistling sob.
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