Kitap Okuma Grubuma Katılmak İster Misiniz?
2024 Mayıs ayında
kitabını okuyarak bir Yunan mitolojisi okuma ayı yapıyoruz! Kitap okuma grubuma katılmak isterseniz bana mesaj atabilirsiniz. 🤓 Uzun zamandır düşündüğüm bir konu olan sanal okuma grubumu 4 yıldır devam ettiriyorum. Şu an farklı meslek gruplarından pek çok okur arkadaşımız gruba üye olmuş durumda. Peki, bu
93 syf.
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Our story begins with Gregor Samsa, an employee of the capitalist system, waking up one morning transformed into an insect. We see the external reflection of the psychological war waged in the human mind by the compulsory debt burden imposed by the family on the individual, the aim of life being only to earn money, social pressure and being stuck within oneself. In the times we live in, many of us are George Samsa. We are either respected by doing our part, or ostracized by refusing. Samsa, who was respected because he took on the material and moral responsibility of the family, had to transform into another life he did not want in order to escape from a life he did not want... Not the fear of turning into an insect, but the fear of losing his job... After the transformation, he became worthless, was ignored, humiliated, and was beaten by his father. Three apples were thrown (the movie "Stone Soraya" came to my mind.) and it was described as a "thing" that needed to be saved. "But how could he be Gregor? If it were Gregor, he would have realized by now that it is impossible for people to live with such an animal and would have left on his own..." (Actually, Samsa is not the only one transformed here...) Those who know the author's life know it. He talked about his father completely here. I was obsessed with many details such as the lack of communication within the family, his longing for the time when his father was working, the fact that he never communicated with his mother throughout the book, and the cleaning lady saying she took care of that thing when she left. I think it is definitely a must-read book. It made me look at life from different perspectives.
DönüşümFranz Kafka · EZR Yayıncılık · 0224k okunma
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Alıntılarla Yaşıyorum Kitap Okuma Grubu'nu Kurdum!
2024 Mayıs ayında
kitabını okuyarak bir Yunan mitolojisi okuma ayı yapıyoruz! Kitap okuma grubuma katılmak isterseniz bana mesaj atabilirsiniz. 🤓 Uzun zamandır düşündüğüm bir konu olan sanal okuma grubumu 4 yıldır devam ettiriyorum. Şu an farklı meslek gruplarından pek çok okur arkadaşımız gruba üye olmuş durumda. Peki, bu
Soraya'yı Taşlamak
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