120 syf.
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DÖNÜŞÜM İNCELEMESİ - Dikkat Spoiler içerir!
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Original name "die verwandlung" The Metamorphosis is Franz Kafka's most read work. The author tries to give us a message through the insect metaphor with the character named Gregor Samsa. Although the number of pages is small, it is a good book in terms of the content it contains. According to most critics of the book, it is thought that his father blamed Kafka as the family bug due to his interest in literature, and that the character in the book who was rejected by the family could be himself. In addition, it is subliminally made to feel that those who are different are excluded by society and that it is necessary not to exceed social stereotypes in order to survive. I wish you a pleasant reading and thank the 1K team for offering us such a beautiful medium.
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022224.9k okunma
184 syf.
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Read in 32 hours
Kitap sürekli şiddet gören çocuk karakter Zezé ve onun hayal dünyasını okuyucuya hissettirmesi bakımından kaliteli bir eser. Sayfaları çevirince kan akışınızın olaylara göre hizlanip yavaşladığını hissedeceksiniz. Minik kardeşi Luís, abisi Totóca, Edmundo dayı ve dindinha. Hepsi ailenizden biri olacak, en çok da Zezé. Zezé içimizdeki yarım kalmış iyilik, Zezé çocukluğumuzun masumiyeti... Keyifli okumalar diler, böyle güzel bir mecrayı bizlere sunduğu için 1K ekibine teşekkür ederim.
Şeker Portakalı
Şeker PortakalıJosé Mauro de Vasconcelos · Can Yayınları · 2022232.3k okunma
164 syf.
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This work, which was first published as a book in 1943, was published by Sabahattin Ali as "Big Story" in Hakikat newspaper between 1940 and 1941. It consists of a 48-episode series written under the title. He also made political references to the Turkey of the period, where those who were not well-off could not find jobs in government offices. The subject of the book is the author, who was dismissed from his job as a banker, and gets a job with his old friend Hamdi, with the help of him. His roommate, Raif Efendi, is a neutral-tempered person. He responds calmly to even the most violent events. Raif Efendi, who is living his last days in his sick bed, asks the author to burn the diary he kept. The author says that he will do this only after reading and the story of Madonna in the fur coat begins. Raif is someone who is interested in fine arts. During the war years, his father was worried about the square remaining empty and wanted to send him to school. He will go to Germany and learn the intricacies of soap making and return to Turkey to take over the factory. The painting of Madonna in a fur coat, a portrait of Maria Puder, which he saw at an exhibition in Berlin, involuntarily attracts him. Raif only follows his heart. It is Sabahattin Ali's most read work. Although there are occasionally boring parts, it is generally a fascinating book that can be swallowed in one bite. Since the copyright has already been lifted, you can find it at an affordable price and gift it to your loved ones. I wish you a pleasant reading and thank the 1K team for offering us such a beautiful medium.
Kürk Mantolu Madonna
Kürk Mantolu MadonnaSabahattin Ali · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 2021317.4k okunma
704 syf.
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SUÇ VE CEZA - Dikkat Spoiler içerir!
Hemen hemen her eseri dünya klasiklerine girmiş Dostoyevskinin Rus Habercisi ismindeki edebiyat dergisinde, bir yıl boyunca yayımlanmış romandır. Romanda idealist bir hukuk talebesi olan Raskolnikov ağır bir şekilde fakirlik çekmektedir. Meşhur tefeci Alena İvanovna'yı öldürüp parasını ve eşyalarını alıp fakirlere dağıtmayı planlar . Sonra bir baltayla kadını öldürür ama hesap dışı gelişen birşey olmuştur. tefeci kadının kardeşi Lizaveta İvanovna da gelmiştir. Delil bırakmamak adına onu da öldürür. Kitabın devamında ise olaylar üzerine tahliller yapılıyor. Birine iyilik yapmak için kötü biri de olsa başka biri öldürülür mü? Yada bu cinayet kendi fakirliğinden kurtulmak için mi yapıldı yoksa diğer insanları kurtarmak için mi? Keyifli okumalar diler, böyle güzel bir mecrayı bizlere sunduğu için 1K ekibine teşekkür ederim.
Suç ve Ceza
Suç ve CezaFyodor Dostoyevski · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022161.2k okunma
126 syf.
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Read in 8 hours
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Of Mice and Men is a novella (short novel) written by John Steinbeck. The writer was born in Salinas, California. In fact, most of his works were inspired by this. While studying at the university, he took classes that he thought would contribute to his writing skills. Then he quit and worked as a shop assistant, carpenter, etc., in jobs that allowed him to communicate with the public. His works are read in every period because they are both literary and true to life. As for the book, it is the second book of the author that I have read after the Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Grapes of Wrath. It was written about human relations. Its content consists of topics of friendship, loneliness and love. It is one of the mandatory reading books in secondary education in America. George Milton, Lennie Small, Curley, Groom Crooks, Slim, Aunt Clara, Carlson and Curley's wife, whose name we never know, are the characters in this novel. I wish you a pleasant reading and thank the 1K team for offering us such a beautiful medium.
Fareler ve İnsanlar
Fareler ve İnsanlarJohn Steinbeck · Sel Yayıncılık · 2023173.7k okunma
188 syf.
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Hamlet - William SHAKESPEARE (Bu bir kamu spotudur!)
Shakespeare okumayın! Evet, doğru duydunuz. Shakespeare okumak size ve yakın çevrenize ciddi zararlar verebilir! Hiç aklımda yokken, tiyatro okumayalı yıllar yıllar olmuşken tanıştım Macbeth eseriyle. Tanışma o tanışma Romeo ve Juliet takip etti kendisini. Akabinde Soneler. Baktım ki adam elini neye değdiyse muhteşem işler çıkarmış, bir gülün
HamletWilliam Shakespeare · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 202345.6k okunma
1,000 öğeden 1 ile 10 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.