"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy...Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for” -Bob marley
"You're attempting to silence your own complaints by thinking, 'At least I'm better off than them.' And the world is full of so much suffering that it's the easiest thing to find people who are having a harder time than you are. But once you do, you then insist on taking the extra step of berating yourself: 'How could I have been so blind to that person's hardships until now?' It's nice that you think of other people's feelings and pay attention to them. But I want you to take stock of yourself a bit. Of your own feelings."
“When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering, and you will naturally be kind and loving.” – Don Miguel Ruiz “Başkalarının düşüncelerine ve eylemlerine karşı bağışıklık kazandığınızda, gereksiz acıların kurbanı olmazsınız ve doğal olarak nazik ve sevgi dolu olursunuz.”
How, if necessary, could we further promote the emergence of this noblest of all types, this desperate and solitary heroic soul, disappointed by life and turned towards suffering and death?
Sayfa 110Kitabı okudu
If you have a sense of excessive responsibility, you believe that you absolutely should be able to control events with which you are involved. Believing that you absolutely should be able to control events, when such events occur that are objectively beyond your control, you then blame yourself for not having the degree of control that you believe you absolutely must have. As I shall discuss later, this unrealistic demand for control over events is a feature of guilt experienced by those suffering from post- traumatic stress disorder when survivors believe that there was something they could have done to prevent the tragedy However, in reality, human beings have limited control over their environment since their environment is populated with other people whom they cannot control and with impersonal objects which again they frequently cannot control.
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