356 syf.
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13. vakayi okuduktan sonra biraz arastirma yapmak istedim cunku denegin soyledigi tarih yakin bir tarih oldugu icin belki bilgi bulabilirim diye dusundum.(1880li yillar,yer Oklahoma)Buldugum bilgi kitabin dogrulugu hakkinda biraz moralimi bozdu acikcasi.aynen kopyaliyorum.spoiler icerir. Can Genealogical Research Prove/Disprove Details of a Past
Ruhların Yolculuğu
Ruhların YolculuğuMichael Newton · Ege Meta Yayınları · 2008304 okunma
127 syf.
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Who is Virginia Woolf? First of all, let's start our comments by getting to know the author of this beautiful work. Virginia Woolf was born on January 25, 1882 in London. She is the daughter of Leslie Stephen, one of the most important writers of the period. She could not get any school education because she lived in a period where women were
Kendine Ait Bir Oda
Kendine Ait Bir OdaVirginia Woolf · İletişim Kitabevi · 202138.5k okunma