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Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Dull Sphinx, Jove keep thy five wits! Thy sight is growing blear; Rue, myrrh, and cummin for the Sphinx-- Her muddy eyes to clear!"-- The old Sphinx bit her thick lip,-- Said, "Who taught thee me to name? I am thy spirit, yoke-fellow, Of thine eye I am eyebeam. "Thou art the unanswered question; Couldst see they proper eye, Alway it asketh, asketh; And each answer is a lie. So take thy quest through nature, It through thousand natures ply; Ask on, thou clothed eternity; Time is the false reply."
Introduction to the Latest Innovations in Technology
In this article, we'll take a look at five of the most exciting new technology gadgets that are being introduced… stylview.com/introduction-to...
you got a nine to five so i'll take the night shift
yüzde 10'luk bir ücret artışı büyük bir tantanayla duyurulur, ancak
Ama bir elleriyle aldıklarını diğer elleriyle hemen veriyorlar. Böylece yüzde 10'luk bir ücret artışı büyük bir tantanayla duyurulur, ancak hemen vergilendirilir ve ilk önlemin beklenen yararlı etkileri silinir. Beş, altı ya da yedi ayda bir, işçiler nihayet dolandırıcılığı anlarlar ve yeni mücadeleler için seferber olurlar. İktidardaki gericilerin nefeslerini tutmaları ve yeni planlar yapmaları için yedi ayda bir yetiyor. Böylece, bu bitmeyen kavgada, işçi her zaman kaybedeni ortaya çıkarır. (But they sirnply give with one hand what they take back with the other. Thus a 10 percent wage increase is announced with great fanfare, only to be imrnediately taxed, wiping out the expected beneficial ef­fects of the first rneasure. After five, six, or seven rnonths, the work­ers finally understand the swindle and rnobilize for new struggles. Seven rnonths is rnore than enough for the reactionaries in power to catch their breath and devise new schemes. Thus, in this endless fight, the worker always cornes out the loser. ) Thomas Sankara Speaks
Küçük Adımların Gücü
James Clear
James Clear
"It only takes five minutes to break the cycle. Five minutes of exercise and you are back on the path. Five minutes of writing and the manuscript is moving forward again. Five minutes of conversation and the relationship is restored. It doesn't take much to feel good again." _________________ Dögüyü kırmak için sadece beş dakika yeter. Beş dakikalık bir egzersiz ve tekrar yola koyulursun. Beş dakikayavyazmak ve metnin yine ilerliyor. Beş dakikalık sohbet ve bağınız yine tazelendi. Yine iyi hissetmek için çok şey almaz."
Five great signs of intelligence: • You're not afraid or ashamed to find errors in your understanding of things. • You take mistakes as lessons. • You don't get offended with accepting the facts. • You are highly adaptable and very curious. • You know what you don't know.
Richard P. Feynman
Richard P. Feynman
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