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Nuffield Biology Teacher's Guide adlı kitapta şunları okuyoruz: "İleri düzeyde gelişmiş hayvanlarda davranışlar, türün yaşamda kalmasını sağlamak için intihar şeklini alabilir."
'Tis pleasing to be schooled in a strange tongue By female lips and eyes, that is, I mean, When both the teacher and the taught are young, As was the case at least where I have been. They smile so when one’s right, and when one’s wrong They smile still more, and then there intervene Pressure of hands, perhaps even a chaste kiss. I learned the little that I know by this.
“if i could go back, i would do things differently. but that’s not how things work. we have to live with our mistakes and try to learn from them and move forward.”
"Pain is an effective teacher." "Acı etkili bir öğretmendir."
I’m not a teacher, not a Sage, not a Roshi, not a writer or master or even a giggling dharma bum I’m my mother’s son & my mother is the universe—
"Right when Kasuga-kun and I started dating, he told me about a book with sparkling eyes. He told about things I've never heard before. Tales from a book no one knows about. I didn't quite understand it, but it was quite exciting. He was talking about this book with great enthusiasm. 'I'm different from other people. I like the things I like, because it's something different from what other people like' is what he told me. That was the first time I've heard someone say such a thing. Then I thought of how envious I was of him. I have tried to think of life that way. I have always done what was expected of me my whole life. Ever since I was a small child the things I loved was my father... my mother... my teacher... my relatives... I loved them simply because I wanted them to love me... but that goes without saying. It's something we all want. So I had piano lessons four times a week, I took enrichment lessons, I became the class president, always a straight-A student, always doing my best... but... but I was forcing myself for the sake of other people..."
Vol 5, Chapter 25Kitabı okudu
Rabbis took the place of the hereditary male priests who once served at the Temple in Jerusalem as the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people. “Rabbi” literally means “my master,” and a rabbi functioned not only as a prayer leader but also as a teacher, a preacher, a scholar, a judge. Worship could be offered anywhere in the world where a minyan of ten Jews gathered.
“loving someone isn’t supposed to lead to immense hurt.”
You were right. I should never have married him.
Diffıculties and sufferings are tests on your path to integrity. When a man realizes this, life itself becomes his teacher. Every crisis, fail and difficulty is perfect, irreplaceable. Zorluklar ve acılar, senin bütün olma yolunda geçireceğin sınavlardır. Bunun farkına vardığında, yaşamın kendisi insanın öğretmeni olacaktır. Her kriz, her düşüş ve her zorluk hem kusursuz, hem de eşsizdir.
Sayfa 302
Do the dead wake in their own way? I warm myself with cold. Redeem this teacher, Love.
If you feel impatient and want to learn quickly, the best thing you can do is to just live life! There's no better teacher than life itself.
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