When she puts her arms around you, she will make you feel safe, but rarely will she take you in her arms. She will call you late at night when the radio is playing her favorite song and tell you how much it reminds her of you. But these are the same songs she has dedicated to those before you. Listen to her when she’s crying; it’s one of the only times she will tell you the truth. She will pretend to understand you, and you’ll believe her when she says she loves all your flaws. She will tell you she wants all the same things you do, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t know what she wants. She will tell you that you are the only thing she needs, but you aren’t. She will want others. She will believe she is always right even when she’s not and you know she’s not, but you’ll stop arguing anyway. You’ll stay because her selfishness and her recklessness don’t seem less than ordinary. Everyone around you will constantly say how beautiful she is, a work of art, someone extraordinary. Until the day she shows the true colors underneath her mask. They will be dark and dangerous and in your hesitation, you might survive. You might just dodge a bullet. For the person who loves her next, because I couldn’t.
639 syf.
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Comparison of The Knight’s Tale and The Miller’s Tale in Canterbury Tales
Medieval English Literature period was a period that included themes such as love, chivalry, betrayal, deception and many elements such as comic and tragic elements, social issues, and the dominance of religion. While writing Canterbury Tales, the most important work of medieval literature, Chaucer aimed to transfer different classes of society to
Canterbury Hikayeleri
Canterbury HikayeleriGeoffrey Chaucer · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 2018450 okunma
'Out, Out-' The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard And made dust and dropped stove-length sticks of wood, Sweet-scented stuff when the breeze drew across it. And from there those that lifted eyes could count Five mountain ranges one behind the other Under the sunset far into Vermont. And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled, As
Blind Willie Johnson// Dark Was The Night şarkısı voyager aracı ile insanların göremediği evrenin bir köşesinde insanlardan uzaklaşmaya devam ediyor.
194 syf.
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John Barth is the most important postmodernist novelist and his works of art fiction and reality somehow is complicated. It becomes difficult to decide which one is real and which one is fiction. Blurring and uncertainty is so immense that sometimes it is problematic to understand what is happening and what is going on this story. In the story we
Lost in the Funhouse
Lost in the FunhouseJohn Barth · Bantam Books · 196917 okunma
“I imagine the game wouldn’t be the same in the light,” Scarlett answered. “People think no one sees all the nasty things they do in the dark. The foul acts they commit, or the lies they tell as part of the game. Caraval takes place at night because you like to watch, and see what people do when they think there are no consequences.”
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