430 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Some people - especially readers of classic books - find it unnecessary to read romance novels. I disagree, because novels help you to understand yourself. They tell you your needs, your shortcomings, your wrong parts, your right parts, which you don't even realize. You can see a character you never expected voicing your thoughts and it helps you to understand yourself and it helps you to be at peace. I think the reason why I'm so emotional about this review is because lately I've been thinking that no one will ever understand me completely. But in this series I figured something out between myself. There are so many personality similarities between Killian, Landon and me. Intelligence, talent, a fiery soul and an icy heart. I felt understood while reading both books, and that is more important to me than love. In conclusion, the book is not a book for everyone. It contains behaviors that most people would find wrong - which I gave a standing ovation for. But if you are a little crazy, it is for you. One of the books that does dark romance justice. (SPOILERS) The only part I didn't like about the book was that Mia's revenge was a bit too simplified. Honestly, I would have liked it to be a little longer and deeper. I think Mia should have killed that woman, not Landon. Personally, if I was in Mia's shoes, if I wanted revenge for years and someone - even if it was the man I loved - killed that person instead of me, I would never recover.I couldn't do it over and over, I had to take the pain I had suffered for years out of that person. I had to destroy her, mercilessly. I think that was the only bad thing about the book. I hope Killian, Landon, me and others like us will all find our muse one day.
God Of Ruin
God Of RuinRina Kent · Blackthorn Books · 028 okunma
THE RAVEN - Edgar Allan Poe
ONCE upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “ ’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door— Only this and nothing more.” Ah, distinctly
"In North Korea, the only kind of 'love' you can describe is for the Leader. We had heard the 'love' word used in different ways in smuggled TV shows and movies, but there was no way to apply it in daily life in North Korea - not with your family, friends, husband, or wife. But in South Korea there were so many different ways of exoressing love - for your parents, friends, nature, God, animals, and, of course, your lover."
e-kitap olarak okuyorum.
[Lafayette Young] December 1, 1970 [...] nobody understands an alcoholic... I started drinking young... at 16 and 17, and the next morning I’d always get it—those looks, that hatred. of course, my parents hated me anyhow. But I remember saying to them one morning: “Christ, so I got drunk... You people treat me like a murderer...” “That’s it! That’s it!” they said, “what you’ve done is worse than murder!” they meant it. well, what they meant was that I was socially disgracing them in front of the neighbors, and there might be an excuse for murder, but for drinking... never, by god, no! They must have meant it, because when the war came on, they urged me to join the murder... it was socially acceptable.
[To Jon and Louise Webb] March 25, 1961 [...] What bothers me is when I read about the old Paris groups, or somebody who knew somebody in the old days. They did it then too, the names of old and now. I think Hemingway’s writing a book about it now. But in spite of it all, I can’t buy it. I can’t stand writers or editors or anybody who wants to
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If
Sayfa 44 - Max Ehrmann was an American attorney and poet who often wrote on spiritual themes. During his life, he contributed great thoughts to our literary lexicons, blending the magic of words and wisdom with his worthy observations.
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