That's when I realized for the first time... I wasn't free. That's when I realized I'd been living in a cage the whole time. Those abnormal things took my freedom from me. The world was a big place, but they were forcing me to live in a cage.
“Fox was here first, and his brother was the wolf. Fox said, people will live forever. If they die they will not die for long. Wolf said, no, people will die, people must die, all things that live must die, or they will spread and cover the world, and eat all the salmon and the caribou and the buffalo, eat all the squash and all the corn. Now one day Wolf died, and he said to the fox, quick, bring me back to life. And Fox said, No, the dead must stay dead. You convinced me. And he wept as he said this. But he said it, and it was final. Now Wolf rules the world of the dead and Fox lives always under the sun and the moon, and he still mourns his brother.”
DUSK (…) Meanwhile, corrupting demons of the air Slowly wake up like men of great affairs, And, flying, bump our shutters and our eaves. Against the glimmerings teased by the breeze
Sayfa 193Kitabı okudu
Why, in this world, do homes and happiness always get destroyed, and friends and confidantes always meet up late? Heroes will get to the ends of their roads, beauties will lose their charms as they age… if someone wants to live according to their own hearts, how difficult should that be?
Yaşlı ve huysuz erkeklerin hikâyesi :)
Erkekler yalnız yaşayıp izole edilmiş bir hayat sürdürdük­lerinde -ki bunu kadınlardan daha sıklıkla yapmaktadırlar- günlük rutinleri beyin devrelerinin derinliklerine gömülmüş tekrar eden alışkanlıklar halini alabilir. Kısa süre içerisinde, birisi rutinlerini bozduğunda rahatsız olmaya başlar hale gelirler, çünkü beyinlerinin sosyal esneklik devreleri kulla­nılmamaktan zayıf düşmüştür. Yaşlı ve huysuz erkeklerin hikâyesi budur. When men live alone and isolated lives—which they do more often than women—daily routines can become repetitive habits buried deep in their brain circuits. They soon become annoyed when someone disrupts their routine because their brain's social plasticity circuits have become weakened from disuse. This is the story of grumpy old men.
Sayfa 146 - Say YayınlarıKitabı okudu
"I think most people who want to kill themselves feel that way for one basic reason: they’re faced with a problem that they don’t know how to solve, and that they literally don’t feel they can live with. They and the problem can’t live together, and they can’t see any way to eliminate the problem, so they feel they must eliminate themselves."
Humans, by nature, can’t live without the promise of hope, as false as it might get. It doesn’t matter if the doomed reality of their situation hits them in the face. If they believe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, they’ll go for it. Over and over again. There’s nothing worse than hope.
"If a child identifies with his parents overprotective attitude, she will live her life in fear, doomed to being an underachiever. If she is unable to take risks out of fear of getting hurt, she will never experience the joy of accomplishment and the pride of reaching her potential. This will inevitably cause her to feel like a failure and to suffer from Iow self-esteem. When parents transmit a lack of confidence in their children's ability to get along in the world, or constantly warn them of how people are untrustworthy, they often create a self-fulfilling prophecy in which the child grows up overwhelmed with insecurity or expecting people to disappoint, hurt and take advantage of her."
"I'm not a nice man, Cecily. I won't pretend otherwise, or I'd be doing you and myself a disservice. What I am, however, is someone who'll slaughter your demons one by one until you're finally free of them. I'll touch your scars until you normalize them and can live with them, because they're what makes you who you are."
It was a brilliant idea: You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish. I have no responsibility to be like they expect me to be. It's their mistake, not my failing.
Richard FeynmanKitabı okudu
When a person’s been burned to ashes and become about the same as a piece of apatite, there’s nothing there worth revering. So why do we treat it like a big deal? Why are there holidays to mark the beginning and end of each year? Why do you have to make a public confession and stroll around in the streets together before getting in bed with someone? Why, to live together legally, in addition to needing a certificate, do you need to invite your friends and family to a useless ceremony? Because life and death, dark and light, partings and meetings, all have the meanings people have endowed them with. You can’t see them or touch them, you don’t know what use they have, but the difference between you and me and a lump of chemicals lies in those bits of meaning.
One purpose of the freeze response is to avoid detection by dangerous predators or in dangerous situations. A second purpose is to give the threatened individual the opportunity to assess the situation and determine the best course of action to take. When the freeze response is not adequate to eliminate the danger or is not the best course of
We begin our adult lives with no purpose, no real direction. Unlike women who know they want to get married, have children and live in a 4-bedroom house in the country, men are faced with the challenge of navigating the rough terrain known as our late teens and 20’s. A 12-year period that will either make you or break you depending on your actions and decisions.
“I can believe things that are true and things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not. I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Beatles and Marilyn Monroe and Elvis and Mister Ed. Listen - I believe that people are perfectable, that knowledge is infinite, that the world is
How is it even legal to pay people less money than they need to live?
Sayfa 202Kitabı okudu