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Liste Babil.com'da Türkçe olarak yayınlanmıştı. Lakin artık Türkçesini bulamıyoruz ne hikmetse. Küçük-büyük harf sıkıntısını düzeltmek isterdim lakin uğraşamayacağım, bu listeyi bulurken de çok uğraştım. İngilizcesi hizmetinizde arkadaşlar, buyurunuz. :) never let me go – kazuo ishiguro
Fairy Tales
Then all anxiety is at an end, and they live together in perfect happiness. My tale is done, there runs a mouse; whosoever catches it, may make himself a big fur cap out of it.
"A powerful wizard, who wanted to destroy an entire kingdom, placed a magic potion in the well from which all the inhabitants drank. Whoever drank that water would go mad. “The following morning, the whole population drank from the well and they all went mad, apart from the king and his family, who had a well set aside for them alone, which the magician had not managed to poison. The king was worried and tried to control the population by issuing a series of edicts governing security and public health. The policemen and the inspectors, however, had also drunk the poisoned water, and they thought the king’s decisions were absurd and resolved to take no notice of them. “When the inhabitants of the kingdom heard these decrees, they became convinced that the king had gone mad and was now giving nonsensical orders. They marched on the castle and called for his abdication. “In despair the king prepared to step down from the throne , but the queen stopped him, saying: ‘Let us go and drink from the communal well. Then we will be the same as them.’ “And that was what they did: The king and the queen drank the water of madness and immediately began talking nonsense. Their subjects repented at once; now that the king was displaying such wisdom, why not allow him to continue ruling the country? “The country continued to live in peace, although its inhabitants behaved very differently from those of its neighbors. And the king was able to govern until the end of his days.”
you are waiting for someone who is not coming back meaning you are living your life hoping that someone will realise they can't live theirs without you - realisations don't work like that
Sayfa 63
İtaat et, evlen ve çoğal, bağımsız düşünce yok, tüket, satın al, uykuda kal, otoriteyi sorgulama. They Live (1988)
If reality were a painting, and I were the painter,
If reality were a painting, and I were the painter, I would paint with all the colors, I would paint all the dreams, I would paint from east to west, every corner and border. I would paint a world where peace and harmony reign. I would draw how many schools teach children with pencils, Everyone would learn and work, no more
Haziran, Onur Ayı.🏳️‍🌈 Onurla yaşamak bir cesaret ve dayanıklılık eylemidir. Herkesin güvenlik ve kapsayıcılık içinde dilerse açık kimlikli olarak yaşayabileceği bir dünya için çalışıyoruz. LGBTQI+ bireyler, onlara oldukları gibi destek ve değer veren bir dünyada yaşamayı hak ediyorlar.🌈 // June is #PrideMonth.🏳️‍🌈 Living with #Pride is an act of courage and resilience. We work toward a world where everyone has the safety and acceptance to live openly if they choose. LGBTQI+ persons deserve to live in a world that celebrates and values them as they are.🌈
"I have now understood that though it seems to men that they live by care for themselves, in truth it is love alone by which they live. He who has love, is in God, and God is in him, for God is love." ... "İnsanlar sadece kendi hayatları için kaygılandıkları, kendilerini kolladıkları için yaşar sanırdım, oysa onları yaşatan tek şey sevgiymiş. Seven insan Tanrı’nın, Tanrı da onun içindedir, çünkü Tanrı sevgidir."
Books had helped him forget; perhaps they would also help him live…
"Yarın yokmuş gibi yaşayacağım I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist Sanki yokmuş gibi Like it doesn't exist Gece boyunca bir kuş gibi uçacağım I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night Kuru gözyaşlarımı hissediyorum Feel my tears as they dry...
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