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"Quite realistically the Church recognized that man was not an absolutely clearly defined unity to be judged one way or the other, but that his moral life was normally subject to conflicting motives and his action contradictory Of course, it required as an ideal a change of life in principle"
E. O. Wilson ise yakın zamanda, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge3 isimli çalışmasında temel bilimlerin bütün sanat ve bilimlerin kraliçesi olduğunu ve artık beşeri bilimlerin gündeminin temel bilimler tarafından yönledirilmesi gerektiğini iddia etti. 3 Wilson, E. O., Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, Vintage Books, 1999 -ed. notu.
“Truth must be integrated with love; morality is not whole without it. Love is the greatest strength of the powerless. Unity founded on love will never be coercion; power guided by love will never be violence. Love is all-powerful and will even overcome hatred. And only love can do this!”
“The division of the Empire into four sections by Diocletian required four divine patrons for the four rulers,” explains historian Andrew Alfoldi. “The restoration of the unity of the Empire, on the other hand, led inevitably to the belief that a single divine power must watch over the single earthly ruler.”
Times 18.12.1923, başlığı "Unity of Islam - İslam Birliği"; Atatürk NUTUK'ta, (c.II, s.850) Hintlilerin Halife seçme önerisinin kendisine, Hindistan ve Mısır'dan dönüşünde Antalya mebusu Rasih Efendi tarafından ulaştırıldığını belirtiyor. Teveccühe teşekkür etmekle birlikte, şu gerekçeyle red ediyor: "Halifenin reisi devlet olduğunu bilirsiniz. Bazılarında kralları, imparatorları bulunan tebaanın, bana önerdiği teklifi nasıl kabul edebilirim. Ben kabul etsem, yöneticileri kabul eder mi? Halifenin emrini yerine getirmek gereklidir. Beni Halife yapmak isteyenler emirlerimi infaza muktedir midirler? Dolayısıyla, konusu, delili olmayan hayali bir sıfatı takınmak gülünç olmaz mı?" Bu sözlerde gerçekçi bir politikanın bütün unsurları vardır.
Sayfa 337 - Boyut YayınlarıKitabı okudu
Marxism does not seek to sustain the “simple people” in their primitive philosophy of common sense, but instead to lead them to a higher view of life. If it asserts the need for contact between the intellectuals and the simple people it does so, not in order to limit scientific activity and maintain unity at the low level of the masses, but precisely in order to build an intellectual-moral bloc which makes politically possible the intellectual progress of the masses and not only of a few groups of intellectuals.
Sayfa 59 - The Study of Philosophy and of Historical Materialism
One of the major weaknesses of the immanentist philosophies in general consists precisely in their not having been able to create an ideological unity between the lower and the upper, between the "simple people" and the intellectuals.
Sayfa 56 - The Study of Philosophy and of Historical Materialism
After the unity, how did the Austria vs Prussia competition go
With the acquisition of the Rhenish and Westphalian territories, Prussia gained not only in territorial size and population but also, crucially, in economic power and potential. Not only was Prussia now more equal to Austria in simple demographic terms; Prussia also was poised to outstrip Austria in economic development, a major factor in the century of industrialisation. Constitutionally, however, both Prussia and Austria remained relatively conservative. Prussia did not gain a united parliament, and although reforms were continued in certain provinces (with the western provinces, which were not engaged in a programme of reform, nevertheless continuing to be more progressive), centrally the programme of reforms was dropped by King Frederick William III. Major reformers had been dismissed from office by 1819–20. In Austria, the absence of a perceived need for centralisation in response to territorial or other changes, and the earlier reforms under Joseph II, added up to a programme of conservatism and inactivity in the post-Napoleonic period.
Nature is a temple in which living pillars Sometimes give voice to confused words; Man passes there through forests of symbols Which look at him with understanding eyes. Like prolonged echoes mingling in the distance In a deep and tenebrous unity, Vast as the dark of night and as the light of day, Perfumes, sounds, and colors correspond. There are perfumes as cool as the flesh of children, Sweet as oboes, green as meadows — And others are corrupt, and rich, triumphant, With power to expand into infinity, Like amber and incense, musk, benzoin, That sing the ecstasy of the soul and senses.
The Mongol conquest brought political unity to China. In the now-expanded body of low-friction exchange—with a single currency, and a newly extended main artery, the Grand Canal—commerce flourished.
Şeylerin Bir'e "iştiraki" ya Bir'in sonsuz sayıda parçalara bölünmesini ya da sonsuz sayıda Bir'in varlığını içerir, ki bunların her ikisi de Teklik'in (Unity) biricik ilkesi olan Bir'i (Monad) bozar.
Sayfa 249Kitabı okudu
Today our society, the last extreme of civilization, has distributed power among a number of combined forces, called by such names as industry, thought, wealth, speech. No longer possessing unity, power tends toward a social dissolution to which there is no barrier except self-interest. We no longer rest upon religion nor upon material strength, but upon intellect. Is theory as powerful as the sword? is discussion as strong as action? there's the question.
This one time when its peaceful outside, and you're seeing things move, and you don't want to, and everyone is asleep. And all the books you've read, have been read by other people. And all the songs you've loved have been heard by other people. And that girl thats pretty to you is pretty to other people. And you know that if you looked at these facts when you were happy, you would feel great because you are describing ''unity''.
Şeylerin bütününü bilinmeyen bir şekilde, duyular dışında anlayabilseydik birçok geçmiş otoriteye göre evreni (universe), adının orijinalinin bize ima ettiği gibi birlik (unity) olarak algılar­dık. "Duyular ortadan kaldırılabilseydi, dünya bir birlik olarak görünürdü"
Sayfa 24
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