Turning my back to him, I quietly open the door, careful not to wake my sleeping roommate. When I look over my shoulder, he’s still standing next to steps. “What’re you doing?” “I’m watching you go in so you don’t have to watch me leave.”
Dante, 20 years
Dante watched as the girl, wearing glasses, looked out the window. Morana Vitalio. Fuck. […] One of the men stole a glance at her and Dante's skin crawled. Tristan's hand fisted. "Don't let me kill him," Tristan muttered and suddenly, Dante knew why he was there. He was there to contain him. Watching the creep, Dante didn't mind that one fucking bit.
352 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Özgür olduğunuzu hissedeceğiniz en özel anlardan biridir kitap okumak
Günümüzden 50 yıl sonrasını tahmin edebiliyor musunuz ? Neler hayalinizde yer ediyor ? Orwell, Bin Dokuz Yüz Seksen Dört (1984) adlı romanında gelecekte dünyanın üç devletçe yönetileceğini kurgulamıştır. Kahramanımız Winston, diktatör yönetimlerin birinde çalışan memurdur. Diğer iki devlet de Winston'un bulunduğu devletten farksız değildir otorite konusunda. Kitabı tek cümle ile özetle derseniz okuyucuların ortak görüşü "Big Brother is watching you" olacaktır. Roman boyunca Winston dahil halk, evde, işte, sokakta her yerde izlenmektedir bir ekrandan. hayatınızın her evresi devletçe belirlenip uygulanma talimatı veriliyor. Uygularken gözetim altında oluyorsunuz. ⠀ Orwell, yaşamı boyunca gözlemlediği devletler ve özellikle Sovyet rejimine beslediği kin neticesinde dikatörlük kavramına Stalin'i oturtmuştur. Hayvan Çiftliği'nde bu bakış açısı göze çarpmaktadır. Winston, diktatör rejime karşı harekete geçmiş sıradan bir insandır. Harekete geçmese belki işkence görmeden yaşayabilirdi ama bir umutla harekete geçti ve başarısız oldu...⠀ Kitap okumaya, kahve ya da çay içmeye fırsatınız varken değerlendirin. Zira Winston uzun süre çamurdan hallice kahve içti. hele kitap... Özgür olduğunuzu hissedeceğiniz en özel anlardan biridir kitap okumak.
1984George Orwell · Can Yayınları · 2019165bin okunma
“The men in this world don’t love like normal men, little doe. Their love is more intense than any other. He fell in love with you as a boy and as a man. And watching it happen has been the only peace I have found in years, knowing you will be loved and cherished and protected after I’m gone. I needed to give you that.”
144 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%78/100) This is the turning point in the series (in Mark's life as well of course). I was shocked about all these when I was watching the show. So, this is the best volume so far and I'm sure it will be even better. Also, seeing my boy Allen again was great. Learning about Viltrum Empire, Omni-man, the Guardians and Mark was nice. I'm really enjoying reading the comics, it's nice to see the differences and similarities with the TV show.
Invincible, Vol. 3: Perfect Strangers
Invincible, Vol. 3: Perfect StrangersRobert Kirkman · Image Comics · 20211 okunma
“I take it you didn’t find the grimoire?” Rae asked from behind me, watching me as I felt along the underside of the shelves. Oh, yes, I found the grimoire. But I’m too obsessed with you to leave you, so here I am, still risking life and limb to be near you, still driven absolutely mad by your voice and smell and eyes — “No, didn’t find it yet,” I looked back over my shoulder and gave her a wink. “Lucky for you.”
Rae-Leon.Kitabı okudu
Hell, when I don't sleep, I spend the entire night watching the sketch I stole at her house and imagining concentrated expression.
levi kingKitabı okudu
120 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3 saatte okudu
3/5 Stars (%65/100) After watching 2 seasons of the show, I decided to read the comics before Season 3 comes (in like 8 years or something). There are 4 chapters in this volume and though I liked it, it was not extraordinary (at least for now). But I know it'll be much better in a few volumes. As far as I've seen the show was pretty faithful to the source material. I'm curious to see the differences between the two. Overall, it is a nice beginning to an enjoyable series.
Invincible Volume 1: Family Matters
Invincible Volume 1: Family MattersRobert Kirkman · Image Comics · 20215 okunma
So, she just kept watching him, waiting for him to do something. He did. He touched her car. Stroked it. Just once. But he did. He did it when he thought no one was watching. He did it when he thought he was completely alone.
"She had a sort of immortality already, in a roundabout way. Even if she died, here and now - which, obviously, she wasn't planning on doing for a moment - in just under 2,000 years she'd be back on Earth, wandering about London, growing up. Almost 200,000 years after that, she'd be on a space station, defeating the Daleks. More years than she could comprehent after that, she'd be watching the Earth die."
The way watching her walk away on Monday had cost me an irretrievable piece of my soul. The breath left my lungs. Somehow, somewhere along the way, I'd fallen in love with Vivian Lau. Not like or lust. Love, in all its terrifying, unpredictable, unwanted glory.
“I know your name now…had to figure it out when you snuck out…and I love it,” I finally murmured, watching as her golden gaze flashed with emotion. “Much better than Violet. Although I’m fine with you giving that one to all the fuck boys trying to get in your pants…” “And you’re not a fuckboy?” she asked dryly. “Mmmh. I’m not a fuckboy at all. Unless we’re role playing in bed and then I can totally be a fuck boy for you. Your wish is my command, baby.” She stared at me for a second before a nervous giggle popped out of her mouth. She was so fucking cute.
Sliding open the drawer where I kept them, I grabbed a condom package. And then I stared at it. There was a strange ringing in my ears all of a sudden…and my heart was pounding in my chest. The bathroom's light seemed to intensify whatever…insanity I was feeling. What if… Something took hold of me, the addiction that had been building inside me all night, unfurled, stretching its wings and transforming into…desperation. Uncontrollable desperation. She wanted to pretend this was a one night thing, but I knew better. And I knew she knew it on some instinctual level too. She wanted to run, because she was scared. I couldn't let her run. So this uncontrollable desperation inside me...turned into something else. There was one way I could keep her. Trap her so to speak… I was having an out of body experience. That was the only way to describe what was happening as I reached back into the drawer, and pulled out the sewing kit I kept in there. I pulled out one of the needles, watching as it glinted ominously under the unforgiving light. No turning back now. Carefully, almost mechanically, I began to puncture the condom package with the needle. One hole, then two, and soon a pattern of tiny punctures formed. The voice of reason in my head screamed at me to stop, but the obsession, the overwhelming need to possess her, drowned out those voices.
He drags my hand to him and slams it against his chest. “This things only beats for you and because of you. I used to live an aimless life where adrenaline was my god, but you came along and tamed my demons. You balance me. You complete me. You’re fucking in me. So seeing you bleeding out on the floor was no different than watching myself die. No, it was worse. I’ve never felt so scared for my life, but you… you’re my everything. How could you do that to me? To us?”
"I like that he's responsible, punctual, takes all of his engagements seriously, steps up for justice, and helps in every way possible. I like his cooking, his rare smiles, and how dedicated he is to running and staying healthy. I like making him laugh and, eh, watching him sleep. I like how he's fully concentrated when he's in the art studio, but most of all, I like how he let me into his life and made a place for me there. I even like the boring Agatha Christie movie adaptations now, not because they're any good, but because he's truly obsessed with that shi-I mean, stuff. I even like his nagging and control-freak tendencies most of the time, so yeah, there's nothing I don't like... actually, there's something. He has this habit of putting everyone else's comfort before his own, or he pretends to be fine when he's obviously not. I don't only dislike that. I hate it."
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