It is essential to recognize how genuinely accepted both the brothel model and prostitution are in the social structure, and how this disposition of women is simply accepted as inevitable because they are women. However evil prostitution is held to be, however righteous or religious men are said to be, the brothel model does more than endure; it
The value of a female life is determined by its reproductive value. What will happen to all the women who are not altogether necessary because their children in particular are not altogether desirable? The old women starving in poverty are starving because their reproductive lives are over and they are worth nothing. The old women incarcerated in
Listen your inner voice
Tüm olası kişiliklerinin arasında her insan kendi gerçek ve özgün kişiliğini bulur. İnsanı bu özgün kişiliğe çağıran sese biz ''görev çağrısı" diyoruz. Ama insanların çoğu bu çağrının sesini kısmaya kendini adar ve duymayı reddeder. Bu sesi duy­mamak için kendi içlerinde bir gürültü oluştururlar ... dikkat­lerini dağıtırlar ve sahte bir yaşam yolunu gerçeğinin yerine koyarak kendilerini aldatırlar. Among his various possible beings each man always finds one which is his genuine and authentic being. The voice which calls him to that authentic being is what we call “vocation.” But the majority of men devote themselves to silencing that voice of the vocation and refusing to hear it. They manage to make a noise within themselves…to distract their own attention in order not to hear it; and they defraud themselves by substituting for their genuine selves a false course of life. —JOSÉ ORTEGA Y GASSET
Sayfa 46 - Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi 5. BasımKitabı okudu
Pure German women were encouraged to bear the children of S. S. men and were supported by the Nazi state. Himmler established homes for these women. No abortion, no birth control, no careers other than motherhood for the racially pure; imprisonment, rape, sometimes sterilization, and death for the others. The racially privileged woman is not free; the conditions of her survival are predetermined; she may get rewards for meeting them but outside of them she has no chance. While the racially inferior women are being used one way, the racially superior women are being used in what appears to be an opposite way: but it is not. These are two sides of the same coin. The two sides travel together, materially inseparable and yet unalterably divided. Neither side, in this case, has a life outside totalitarian womanhood. In such a society, the racially privileged woman has the best deal; but she is not free. Freedom is something different from the best deal—even for women.
Feryat etti: "Dürüstlük neden titriyor ve tıpkı bir katil gibi Neden sığınmaya çalışıyor ölümsüz mertebesindekilerin kaş çatışlarından? Yüce gönüllüler titremeye mecbur mudurlar ve mutluluğu tembellere, eleme mi bırakırlar, Kendisiyle alay eden? Kim verdi bu emri? Hangi Tanrı? Hangi Melek? Yüce gönüllülere tecrübeyi fazla görüp de gönülleri yüce olmayanların Tabiat kuvvetlerinin sınırsız icracıları olmalarını sağlayan kim? Bir de bakmışsın merhametin adı olmuş ticaret, yüce gönüllülükse bir zanaat, Insanların zenginlik kaynağı ve kumlu çöl terk edilmiş güçlülere. Hangi Tanrı ki bu, barış kanunları yazar ve fakat onları kasırgalara büründürür? Hangi merhametli Melek ki bu, gözyaşlarına susar ve hararetini Hangi sürüm sürüm sürünen mendebur ki bu, nefse hakimiyeti dindirir figanla? vaaz eder ve fakat kendini Kuzuların yağıyla besler? Takip etmeyeceğim artık, itaat etmeyeceğim ben bunlara bir daha!" He cried: Why trembles honesty and like a murderer, Why seeks he refuge from the frowns of his immortal station Must the generous tremble & leave his joy to the idle: to the pestilence! That mock him? who commanded this? what God? what Angel To keep the gen'rous from experience till the ungenerous Are unrestrain'd performers of the energies of nature; Till pity is become a trade, and generosity a science, That men get rich by, & the sandy desart is giv'n to the string What God is he, writes laws of peace, & clothes him in a tempes What pitying Angel lusts for tears, and fans himself with sigh What crawling villain preaches abstinence and wraps himself In fat of lambs? no more I follow, no more obedience pay.
Sayfa 124Kitabı okudu
Homophobia, like anti-Semitism, is not an idea; it is a passion. For women, hatred of homosexuals— despised because they are associated with women—is more than self-defeating; it is almost breathtakingly suicidal, encouraging as it does the continuing hatred of anything or anyone associated with women. But the perception that having children is the only edge women have on survival at the hands of men is right; it is an acute perception, grounded in an accurate reading of what women are for and how women are used by men in this sexual system. Without reproduction, women as a class have nothing. In sorrow or not, bearing babies is what women can do that men need—really need, no handjob can substitute here; and homosexuality makes women afraid, irrationally, passionately afraid, of extinction: of being unnecessary as a class, as women, to men who destroy whatever they do not need and whose impulses toward women are murderous anyway.
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