456 syf.
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Sagan was a visionary beyond time. He understood the beauty of the universe by the laws of physics and how everything converged for them. And how are human beings part of this vast scenario, perhaps the only ones for whom the cosmos exist? He continues with this idea in Contact, although this is a work of fiction, specifically science fiction. This work is science fiction of a different genre without laser beams, flying saucers, or little green men. Eleanor (Ellie) Arroway is a unique child who understood when she was three. Her mother is sympathetic to her, but her father, Ted, is the one who structures her personality. When he dies, a piece of Ellie seems to die with him. She focuses all her efforts on being a brilliant student to become a renowned physicist. So it is surprising to have started a relationship with Palmer Joss, a preacher of Christian renewal whose religious views are entirely different from Ellie's coherent world vision. That's when she discovers something that can shake the world. She had established contacts with aliens, and now the world needs to prepare for something unexpected. Ellie's journey out there, as well as her inner journey, begins here. She will travel through the stars and to the deepest recesses of her heart, memory, and existence. She must also understand God's hidden message in the universe's order. And the only thing that makes sense in the vast cosmos and its millions of stars is the message: for creatures so tiny that we are, is immensity endurable only through love?
MesajCarl Sagan · Say Yayınları · 2015584 okunma
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Letter from an Unknown Woman begins with the return of R, a well-known writer, to Vienna. After the trip, R finds the letter that starts with the address "You who never knew me" interesting and starts to read the letter written on a letter he has received, and from this point on, he starts a journey in which he will look at his life from
Letter from an Unknown Woman
Letter from an Unknown WomanStefan Zweig · Karbon Kitaplar · 2018223,6bin okunma