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Machiavelli basically recommends/permits/legitimizes anything (using fear, force, hypocrisy, etc.) to remain in power. Although it is a recommendation book to the Princes/rulers, it does not contain the word "justice" once. The ideas presented in this book clearly represents the difference between the West & East. In the eastern
The Prince
The PrinceNiccolo Machiavelli · CreateSpace Independent · 201414,9bin okunma
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Notes from Underground consists of two parts. The first section is the Underground section. In this section, the worldly and psychological depression experienced by a forty-year-old man whose name is not mentioned is described. The author did not give a name to the hero. We can call this man an Underground Man. An Underground Man is someone who
Notes From Underground
Notes From UndergroundFyodor Dostoyevski · Karbon Kitaplar · 2016129,4bin okunma