Find a way:)
When nothing goes right, go left!🤩
Alain Delonun Romy Schneider için onun ölümünden sonra yazdığı mektup
“I watch you sleep. I’m with you, by your bedside. You’re wearing a long black tunic and red embroidery on the bodice. These are flowers, I think, but I do not look at them. I will say goodbye, the longest farewell, my Puppelé. That’s how I called you. It meant “little doll” in German. I do not watch the flowers, but your face and I think you’re
#1 - Social Engineering
In both of the earlier scenarios, not having enough a good enough plan and model will lead to failure. A good way to practice communication modeling is to write out a model for manipulating people you know well—a husband, wife, parent, child, boss, or friend—to do something you want, to take some action you desire. List the following five
170 syf.
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Machiavelli basically recommends/permits/legitimizes anything (using fear, force, hypocrisy, etc.) to remain in power. Although it is a recommendation book to the Princes/rulers, it does not contain the word "justice" once. The ideas presented in this book clearly represents the difference between the West & East. In the eastern
The Prince
The PrinceNiccolo Machiavelli · CreateSpace Independent · 201414.9k okunma
Not rated
Notes from Underground consists of two parts. The first section is the Underground section. In this section, the worldly and psychological depression experienced by a forty-year-old man whose name is not mentioned is described. The author did not give a name to the hero. We can call this man an Underground Man. An Underground Man is someone who
Notes From Underground
Notes From UndergroundFyodor Dostoyevski · Karbon Kitaplar · 2016129.4k okunma
When nothing goes right, go left
How can we be more antifragile?
Step 1: Create redundancies Instead of having a single salary, try to find a way to make money from your hobbies, at other jobs, or by starting your own business. If you have only one salary, you might be left with nothing should your employer run into trouble, leaving you in a position of fragility. On the other hand, if you have several options