Lol, That's art !!!
Charlie Munger has observed, “If you won’t attack a problem while it’s solvable and wait until it’s unfixable, you can argue that you’re so damn foolish that you deserve the problem.” ¤ Charlie Munger şunu gözlemledi: "Eğer bir sorun çözülebilirken ona saldırmazsanız ve düzeltilemez hale gelene kadar beklemezseniz, o kadar aptal olduğunuzu ve sorunu hak ettiğinizi iddia edebilirsiniz."
Lewis Capaldi
Hold me while you wait I wish that I was good enough Hold me while you wait If only I could wake you up Hold me while you wait
Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We are all in ''the line'' without knowing it. We never know how many people before us. We can not move to the back of the line. We can not step out of the line. We can not avoid the line. So while we wait in the line: Make moments count. Make priorities. Make the time. Make yor gifts known. Make a nobody feel like a somebody. Make your voice heard. Make the small things big. Make someone smile. Make the change. Make love. Make up. Make peace. Make sure to tell your people ther are loved. Make sure to have no regrets. Make sure you are ready.
Gülen Kalp
your life is your life don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. be on the watch. there are ways out. there is a light somewhere. it may not be much light but it beats the darkness. be on the watch.
"Was I sleeping, while others suffered? Am I sleeping now? Tomorrow, when I wake, or think I do, what shall I say of today?
Did you remember this game? wow it comes from 1800s
One rainy evening, they played a curious game I had never heard before. The ladies asked the servants to bring them all shawls and draperies of any kind. All these things were carried to the drawing-room without delay. In the meantime, the gentlemen summoned the ladies around them; it was time to choose their partner for the game. Mr Rochester chose Miss Ingram. At that moment I sat quietly in my usual seat in the corner of the room. Miss Ingram went out of the room for a while. Mr Rochester and the others waited for her in the drawing-room. Shortly, Miss Ingram entered the drawing-room. She was dressed in white, a long veil on her head and roses in her hands. Mr Rochester came up to her and led her to the middle of the room. Everybody recognized the pantomime of marriage at once. “You are a bride!” guessed one gentleman. “Yes” said the others.
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