there won't be any other time.
Everyone waited as I awkwardly transferred one spear to my left hand, swiping my helmet askew as I did so. I reached up to fix it. “I will be fine,” I told him. Myself. “Are you ready?” Automedon asked. I took a last look at Achilles, standing by the side of the chariot, almost forlorn. I reached for his hand, and he gripped it. “Be careful,” he said. “I will.” There was more to say, but for once we did not say it. There would be other times for speaking, tonight and tomorrow and all the days after that. He let go of my hand.
Sayfa 241 - Harper Collins PublishersKitabı okudu
"I've discovered a lot in the last few weeks,' Smith began. 'I've found out that being the Doctor... it's not about having special knowledge or abilities. It's about not being cruel. It's about not being afraid.' He walked into the middle of the clearing, searching for the right words. 'There are monsters out there, yes. Terrible things. But you don't have to become one in order to defeat them. You can be peaceful in the face of cruelty. You can win by being cleverer than they are.' He turned back to Bernice. 'I tried to give up so much - my responsibilities, my past, my guilt. But others kept these things safe for me. Now, for one last time, I, John Smith, will be the Doctor again, and go on an adventure, and defeat the monsters. It doesn't take an object to let you do that, it takes determination. And hope for humanity. And love."
Kitabtaki en sevdiğim alıntı
When you push yourself, you may not change the world, the laws, or spark a civil rights movement but I can guarantee you’ll change something equally as important—you’ll change yourself. (...) There is only one YOU. And there will never be another one. That’s your power. ___________ Kendini zorlarsan dünyayı, yasaları değiştirmeyebilirsin ya da bir sivil hak hareketinin kıvılcımı alevlendirmeyebilir, ama bunlar kadar önemli bir şeyi değiştireceğini temin edebilirim - kendinizi değiştireceksiniz. (...) Senden tek SEN var. Bir daha başkası olmayacak da. Gücün budur.
someday you will be sorry the way you treated me was wrong there wont be another treat you like a brother
You are back in the place of pain, Wesley Jackson. We are all back in the place of pain. Because the pain cannot be buried and forgotten. The pain cannot remain in the past or hidden beneath the soil. That which is buried is not gone. That which is planted will grow. There is a weed that thrives upon neglect, and flourishes in darkness. Unintended, it becomes a tree of night. And its boughs sag, beneath the unbearable weight of what it has brought forth.
Sayfa 196 - Issue 42: Strange FruitKitabı okudu
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