Chapter Ten
Over the roar of the motorcycle engine, she heard him shout, “Stop. Get off. Get off right now.” Her heart jumped into her throat, and her mouth went cotton dry. Was it the police? What kind of trouble could she be in? She slowed down and pulled over next to the center divide like he’d done. He sprinted toward her. “Get off the bike. Hurry.” As
Sayfa 115
Men have to toughen up. Men demand it, and women want it, even though they may not approve of the harsh and contemptuous attitude that is part and parcel of the socially demanding process that fosters and then enforces that toughness. Some women don’t like losing their baby boys, so they keep them forever. Some women don’t like men, and would
Sayfa 331 - Rule 11Kitabı okudu
472 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
My life is pretty much like this: I spent 11 months and 28 days of every year looking forward to the new John Grisham book and then 2-3 days devouring it. He is the master of the opening paragraph. Immediate hooks. Short sentences. You don't even notice his writing style after the first page or two but it's effortless to read. And there are many
ŞirketJohn Grisham · Remzi Kitabevi · 2009152 okunma
Work smart, not hard.
Bir şeyi mecbur kalmadığımız sürece doğru yapmama alışkanlığı edinmiş durumdayız. Deneme yanılma yöntemi, insanın düşünceye olan tembelliğinin bir sonucu. Akıllı insanların hayatlarına bir bakın, sorun çözümünde düşünceye büyük vakit ayırırlar, çözmeye kısa. Sorunun karmaşıklığını giderince çözmesi basit olur.
Sayfa 20 - Kamer YayınlarıKitabı okudu
#1 - Social Engineering
In both of the earlier scenarios, not having enough a good enough plan and model will lead to failure. A good way to practice communication modeling is to write out a model for manipulating people you know well—a husband, wife, parent, child, boss, or friend—to do something you want, to take some action you desire. List the following five
Gender Projection—Types Although there are infinite variations, below you will find six of the more common types of gender projections. (...) 1- The Devilish Romantic: For the woman in this scenario, the man who fascinates her—often older and successful—might seem like a rake, the type who cannot help but chase after young women. But he is
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