280 syf.
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Applications and Advantages of Sustainable Architecture
First of all, this is not a review, but a study in the form of a preparatory article. I will not promote the book, I will fill in the theme and context that the book presents to me with my own concepts. (I also want to try to write something in English, I thought it appropriate to start with the simple.) | Applications and Advantages of
Biomimetics in Architecture
Biomimetics in ArchitecturePetra Gruber · Ambra Publisher · 20103 okunma
176 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
5 günde okudu
The Compound Effect describes the phenomenon whereby small actions repeated regularly impact the course of our lives over the long term. The more these actions are repeated, the more their effects accumulate exponentially. This is also called the snowball effect. This book shows us that by making a little effort every day, we can achieve anything, lose weight, earn money, become more educated ... I personally love this philosophy. I don't believe in this world that wants everything right away, patience pays; To conclude, here are the most important ideas to remember about the cumulative effect: -To benefit from the cumulative effect you must have a specific goal in mind. -We must learn to make the right choices, i.e. make decisions that are in line with our objectives. -We must develop good habits. -Setting goals and planning is necessary, but we must also take action. -The cumulative effect does not happen overnight, you have to be patient. -The road to success can sometimes be boring. It is important to vary our routines from time to time. -Information, relationships and our environment influence the way we think, act and decide. We have to make sure that these influences help us to go in the right direction and not the opposite. -Making the extra effort helps us to move faster in the long run. According to ARISTOTE: "We are what we repeatedly do."
The Compound Effect
The Compound EffectDarren Hardy · Vanguard Press Publishing · 201230 okunma
320 syf.
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43 günde okudu
Spirit of Capitalism
> "It was the power of religious influence, not alone, but more than anything else, which created the differences of which we are conscious to-day” Max Weber saw reformation as a new form of religion control, not elimination of Church’s ones. His aim focused on finding intimate relationship between asceticism and capitalism. He