Max Weber

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Max Weber Gönderileri

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Ekonomik açıdan gelişmiş ülkelerde reformcular, kilise ve dini otoritenin yaşam üzerindeki etkisinin fazlalığından değil, tersine azlığından yakınıyorlardı..
Sayfa 27 - Maviçatı YayınlarıKitabı okuyor
Goethe's remark in fact applied often enough to the Calvinist "The man of action is always ruthless; no one has a conscience but an observer
The Baptist Sects
" The visible Church in the language of the Reformation Churches, was no longer looked upon as a sort of trust foundation for supernatural ends, an institution, necessarily including both the just and the unjust, whether for increasing the glory of God (Calvinistic) or as a medium for bringing the means of salvation to men (Catholic and Lutheran), but solely as a community of personal believers of the reborn, and only these"
“Sınıf, paramızın nereden geldiği, statü ise bu gelen paranın nereye gittiğiyle ilgilidir.”
Max Weber
Max Weber
"Righteous conduct alone did not suffice, as he had found out for himself The feeling of grace was necessary in addition"
"Whenever Wesley attacked the emphasis on works of his time, it was only to revive the old Puritan doctrine that works are not the cause, but only the means of knowing one's state of grace, and even this only when they are performed solely for the glory of God"
"However difficult of attainment this end is, generally not till toward the end of one's life, it must inevitably be sought, because it finally guarantees the certitudo salutis and substitutes a serene confidence for the sullen worry of the Calvinist"
"For one thing, unlike Calvinism, which held everything emotional to be illusory, the only sure basis for the certitudo salutis was in principle held to be a pure feeling of absolute certainty of forgiveness, derived immediately from the testimony of the spirit, the coming of which could be definitely placed to the hour. Added to this is Wesley's doctrine of sanctification which, though a decided departure from the orthodox doctrine, is a logical development of it"
"This formed the basis of a belief in the undeserved possession of divine grace and at the same time of an immediate consciousness of justification and forgiveness"
"the methodical, systematic nature of conduct for the purpose of attaining the certitudo salutis. This was from the beginning the centre of religious aspiration for this movement also, and remained so".
"Calvinism, in comparison, appears to be more closely related to the hard legalism and the active enter prise of bourgeois-capitalistic entrepreneurs"
"Lutheran conception of salvation by the forgiveness of sins and not by practical sanctification. In place of the systematic rational struggle to attain and retain certain knowledge of future (otherworldly) salvation comes here the need to feel reconciliation and commonly with God now. Thus the tendency of the pursuit of present enjoyment to hinder the ravonal organization of economic life, depending as it does on provision for the future, has in a certain sence a parallel in the field of religious life"
"This in turn was partly the result of emotional stimulus directed solely toward spiritual experience; partly of the Lutheran institution of the confession, which, though it was often looked upon with serious doubts by Pietism, was still generally tolerated"
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