Ahmet Dağ

Transhümanizm - İnsansız Dünya author
44 People

Ahmet Dağ Quotes

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[...] the subject has been replaced by the object.
Sayfa 31 - Külliyat Yayınları – Birinci Baskı ~ Haziran 2011, İSTANBULKitabı okudu
Sanal gerçekli ya da MetaVerse'in tanımı.
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○With the mobile phone in his hand and the auditory helmet on his head, he will be somewhere else at the same time... ●My note{Metaverse" Digital life" } Metaverse, also called the beyond universe or the other universe, is defined as the potential to physically go beyond the current universe by moving away from the current dimension of time and space, thanks to computers, android devices, VR lenses and various 3D user interfaces.
İnsanın sonsuzluk arayışı..
♤Transhümanizm; modern bilim ve teknolojinin güç ve imkânıyla ölümsüzlük veya hayatın uzaması ayartıcı vaadini, aşkın kutsal bir varlıktan daha çok beşerî çabalarla başarmayı özetler.
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♤Nietzsche said, “We have destroyed the World of appearances along with the Real World.” Long before Baudrillard, he reported that the truth was being killed...
Platon’un aciz insanlarının kaderini yaşamaktayız./ A.Dağ
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♤ In the order we live in, there is the existence of the modern individual who is torn apart and battered by technological devices, living in a fractal form of voluntary slavery, and in a sense living the fate of the ascetics and monks of the past.
Batı teknoloji ile ilginç bir yere savruluyor. bakalım bize ne düşecek?
Hümanizm insanı hurafenin zincirinden kurtarmışken, transhumanizm ise biyolojik zincirinden kurtarır.
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