Ayşe Kulin

Adı: Aylin author
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Ayşe Kulin Books

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He became one of the most widely read writers with his biographical works and novels and won many awards. The stories and books of the author, who was highly praised for the fluency and simplicity of his style, were adapted into scripts and brought to the big screen. She graduated from Arnavutköy American Girls' College, Department of Literature. He worked as an editor and reporter in various newspapers and magazines. He worked as a stage producer, art director and screenwriter in television, commercials and movies for many years. His first book of stories, Turn Your Face to the Sun, was published in 1984. He wrote the story called Gülizar in this book into a script called Kırık Bebek and this film won the Ministry of Culture Award in 1986. In 1986, Kulin won the Best Art Director Award of the Theater Writers Association for his work in the TV series Ayaşlı ve Kiracıları, for which he was the stage producer and artistic director. In 1996, his book Bir Tatlı Huzur, which tells the life story of Münir Nureddin Selçuk, was published. In the same year, his story titled Foto Sabah Resimleri won the Haldun Taner Story Award, and a year later, the same book won the Sait Faik Story Award. She was selected as the author of the year by the Istanbul Faculty of Communication with her book titled Name: Aylin, which was published in 1997 and was about the life of Aylin Devrimel. This book made the author known to a very wide audience. In 1998, his story book titled Expanded Times, Sevdalinka, which was selected as the novel of the year by the Faculty of Communication in 1999, and Füreya, a biographical novel about the life of Füreya Koral, were published in 2000. With her novel The Bridge, published in 2001, Ayşe Kulin discussed the origins of the drama in the eastern provinces of Turkey and its reasons within the history of the republic. This novel was broadcast as a series with the same name on Star TV between 2006 and 2008. With his novel Nefes Nefese, also published in 2002, he deals with the heroism of Turkish diplomats who saved hundreds of Jews from genocide during the Second World War, together with a love story. The novel Nefes Nefese was published in 34 countries in total. Additionally, Ayşe Kulin became one of the five writers who made it to the finals of the Premio Rome Awards given in Italy with this novel. His story book, titled Broad Times, was broadcast as a series with the same name on Star TV in 2007. The novel Gece Sesleri, which he wrote in 2004, was adapted for television with the same name and was broadcast on Show TV between 2008 and 2009. His biographical novel Tek ve Tek Başına Türkan, which he also wrote in 2009, was adapted for television with the same name and broadcast on Kanal D between 2010 and 2011. In November 2007, he became UNICEF Türkiye Goodwill Ambassador. The novel Veda, which he wrote in 2008, was adapted for television with the same name and broadcast on Kanal D in 2012. His novel Nefes Nefese, translated into Italian, was awarded in the best foreign novel category at Premio Rome, one of Italy's most prestigious novel awards, in 2016.
Türk Yazar ve Gazeteci
İstanbul, Türkiye, 26 August 1941


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Even suffering had to be suffered in free environments.
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I am one of those who believe that the most terrible wars in the world are caused by religion and that the most blood is shed for the sake of religion.
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