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Charles Petzold

Charles PetzoldCode yazarı
3 Kişi


Charles Petzold has been writing about Windows programming for 25 years. A Windows Pioneer Award winner, Petzold is author of the classic Programming Windows, the widely acclaimed Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, Programming Windows Phone 7, and more than a dozen other books.


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If the resolution of the video display is 640 pixels horizontally by 480 pixels vertically, the total amount of memory required is 921,600 bytes, or nearly a megabyte. The number of bits per pixel is sometimes referred to as the color depth or color resolution.
Sayfa 414 - e-bookKitabı okudu
Digital computer memory stores only bits, so anything that we want to work with on the computer must be stored in the form of bits.
Sayfa 312 - e-bookKitabı okudu
For example, TXT indicates a text file (that is, a file containing only ASCII codes), and COM (which is short for command ) indicates a file containing 8080 machine-code instructions—a program.
Sayfa 363 - e-bookKitabı okudu
The computer that we've built is constructed from relays, wires, switches, and lightbulbs. All of these things are "hardware". In contrast, the instructions and other numbers that we enter into memory are called "software". It's "soft" because it can be changed much more easily than the hardware can. Generally, in computer programs, we can distinguish between code (which refers to the instructions themselves) and data, which are the numbers that the code manipulates.
Sayfa 245 - e-bookKitabı okudu
A file system is a method of disk storage in which data is organized into "files". A file is simply a collection of related data that occupies one or more sectors in the disk. Most important, each file is identified by a 'name' that helps you remember what the file contains. You can think of the disk as resembling a file cabinet in which each file has a little tab that indicates the name of the file.
Sayfa 362 - e-bookKitabı okudu
Bilgisayar Bilimlerine Giriş
Eğitim Kitapları: ●
Bilgisayar ve Programlamaya Giriş
Bilgisayar ve Programlamaya Giriş
, ddp.anadolu.edu.tr/#/course/YBS201U
Bilgisayar Bilimine Giriş
Bilgisayar Bilimine Giriş
Eğitim Videoları: ● ▶️ Map of Computer Science, Domain of Science (Youtube), youtube.com/watch?v=SzJ46YA... ● ▶️ Computer Organization and Architecture, youtube.com/playlist?list=P... ● ▶️ Computer

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