Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe author
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Daniel Defoe Books

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He was born in London in 1660. He lived a life full of various difficulties and dangers. In 1685, King of England II. He participated in the rebellion against James. At various periods of his life, he worked as a merchant, a manufacturer, a civil servant and even a spy. He decided on journalism at the age of 40, and a few years later he started writing novels. His most popular novel, 'Robinson Crusoe', was published in 1719 and 4 editions were published in 1 year. He was imprisoned many times because of his harsh stance in the political magazine booklets he published. He died in 1731 in his birthplace, London. He had a great interest in politics throughout his life. Daniel Defoe's family origins are in Romania. It is also known that he sent letters criticizing British culture to Ottoman statesmen in England for information and suggestions. Apart from this, writers such as Aytunç Altındal say that it was clear that he was a spy for the Ottoman Empire. Major Works Robinson Crusoe The New Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Serious Thoughts of Robinson Crusoe During His Life and Extraordinary Adventures A Journal of the Plague Year Colonel Jacque (Colonel Jacque), Moll Flanders Roxana Memoirs of a Sipahi
İngiliz Yazar ve Gazeteci
Londra, Birleşik Krallık, 1660
Londra, Birleşik Krallık, 24 April 1731


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What makes us happy is not the excess of a product, but as much as we can use.
mum yayınlarıKitabı okudu
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What happens if the whole world forgets me as long as God does not forget me?
Sayfa 82 - mum yayınlarıKitabı okudu
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Let's just discuss love and nothing else.
Sayfa 90
Konuşabileceğim ya da beni avutacak bir tek insan yok.
Sayfa 70 - Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, 14. Basım, çeviri: Fadime KâhyaKitabı okudu


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Siz kaçını okudunuz ve bunu nasıl unutursun dediğiniz kitaplar?
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This is a list that reminds me that I too need to read the most read books of all time. I'm ashamed of not having read these books yet: 1.
Kamelyalı Kadın
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✅️ 3.
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Comments and Reviews

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336 syf.
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Robinson Crusoe Daha önceleri okuduğum Emile'de Rousseau okuyucularına Robinson Crusoe 'u okumayı tavsiye ediyordu. O yüzden ben de, okumak için bu kitabı bir köşeye not düşmüştüm. Robinson' u emimim aranızda bilmeyen yoktur. Hani şu geçirdiği gemi kazasıyla ıssız adaya düşen Robinson.. Eser bildiğiniz üzere Dünya Edebiyatı
Robinson Crusoe
Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 202022k okunma
336 syf.
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I will make harsh comments against this book on some issues, but the reason for this is to show the true face of the book and how powerful a propaganda tool literature is. And I may have some objections to the author, but let's not forget that we do not have to love people, but we have to love literature and art in order to taste the most
Robinson Crusoe
Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 202022k okunma
224 syf.
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Read in 8 days
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This is a book that left me impressed for a week after reading it. Most people call it a children's book. I think it's very meaningful. You fall on a deserted island and try to survive alone, overcoming all the difficulties without losing hope. The day you've been waiting for comes, they find you and you return home. But here's the thing: the peace and joy of life that you had when you were alone is no longer there. Because people become happier with less things. I liked this book very much. If there are people who haven't read it yet, I recommend it. I wish you a good reading..
Robınson Crusoe
Robınson CrusoeDaniel Defoe · Antik Kitap · 201322k okunma