David McDowall

Modern Kürt Tarihi author
10 People

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the govenment said much about maintaining "traditional values", particularly law and order. respect for the law, it argued, was rooted in british tradition. it also spoke of a return to victorian values. on the other hand, its opponents argued that the tradition of broad popular agreement on the management of the nation's affairs was in grave danger. neither side was wholly right in its claim. for example, the conservative argument forgot that in the past, the law had been frequently broken not only by criminals but also by those for whom it was oppressive, like the tolpuddle martyrs. it forgot, too, that the victorians had valued not only enterprise and hard work but had also cared about social reform to assist the weaker members of society. in the same way, when labour accused the conservatives of putting broad national agreement in danger, it forgot that its own party origins lay with the radicals who stood against accepted national political practice. but such awkward facts were easily placed on one side, and the political parties appealed to "history", as this fitted their view of modern britain and the glorious future they offered if the people supported them.
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The strength of Anglo-Saxon culture is obvious even today. Days of the week were named after Germanic gods: Tig (Tuesday), Wodin (Wednesday), Thor (Thursday), Frei (Friday)
İttihat ve Terakki 1913’te aşiret yerleşimlerini düzene sokmak için bir kararname çıkarmış ve 1917’de bu kararname üzerinde değişiklikler yapılarak, özgün niyetin Kürtleri küçük parçalara ayırarak Kürt kimliğini ortadan kaldırmak olduğu çok açık bir biçimde ortaya çıkmıştı. İflah olmaz Ermenilere soykırım uygulanırken, kavgacı ama Müslüman Kürtler zorla asimile edilecekti.
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In 1832 the Lords accepted the Reform Bill, but more because they were frightened by the riots in the streets outside than because they now accepted the idea of reform. They feared that the collapse of political and civil order might lead to revolution.
Sayfa 134
Mart 1924’te bu önlemler doruğa ulaştı. Mahkemelerde yalnızca Türkçenin kullanılması yönündeki ısrar, okullar da dahil olmak üzere Kürtçenin resmi kullanımının yasaklanması, iki yıl önceki özerklik yasa taslağının ‘Kürt dilinin teşvik edilmesine' izin verdiği dikkate alındığında, Kemalist düşüncede radikal bir değişim olduğunu gösteriyordu. Türkiye, bir yıl önce varılan Lozan Anlaşmasının 39. Maddesinde yer alan taahhüdünden vazgeçerek Kürtçenin kullanımını bir kenara atıyordu. Türkçe olmayan tüm ifade biçimlerini silip atmayı öneren ırkçı bir politikanın başlatıldığı artık açıkça görülüyordu.
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Around 700 BC, another group of people began to arrive. Many of them were tall, and had fair or red hair and blue eyes. These were the Celts, who probably came from central Europe or further east, from southern Russia, and had moved slowly westwards in earlier centuries. The Celts were technically advanced.
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