Gabi Burton

Sing Me to Sleep author
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My face and soul are a double-sided blade. A curse. Those who think I’m ugly don’t know I’m beautiful. And those who know I’m beautiful can’t see my ugly. Except for Hayes. He sees both. He sees me.
Prince Hayes Finnean Vanihail is full of warmth and excitement and energy and he’s so, so beautiful . . .
We have no blood in common, no shared parentage, and we are completely different species, but from the moment I met her, she was my sister. Mine to care for, mine to love, and mine to protect. From all threats.
His smile is charming. He is charming. And apparently, he doesn’t want to punish me for initially declining his offer. Taken at face value, it makes for a lovely portrait. But I know better. Prince Hayes is a Royal. More important, he’s a means to an end—a mark. And one of my most important rules: never call a mark by name.
The thought loosens my shoulders, and I take my first normal breath since entering the room. When I look at him—really look at him—I see him for what he is. It doesn’t matter how uncannily perfect he is. He’s a Royal. The Royals are shrouded in beauty, but it’s all to mask the fact that they’re the reason behind everything I hate.
Sirens were made to kill. Our purpose is to lure, seduce, and destroy. It’s wrong, and I know it’s wrong, but that knowledge does nothing to ease the feeling of euphoria—of complete and utter bliss—when I lead a man astray. The horrifying truth: I’m as drawn to water as men are to me. When I near it, it speaks to me. Urges me to act. Kill. The call of the water is as fierce as it is deadly. My own personal Siren Song.