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Karen Pryor

Don't Shoot the Dog! yazarı
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En Eski Karen Pryor Gönderileri

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One way to overcome the slow-start phenomenon is to introduce some reinforcement just for getting started, just as i sporadically reinforced my dolphins for the first or second jump in a six-jump series. I have used this technique effectively in self-training. For some years I went to graduate school one or two nights a week, a long bussines involving three hours of class and an hour on the subway each way. It was always a huge temptation, as five o'clock rolled around, not to go. But then I found that if I broke down the journey, the first part of the task, into five steps -- walking to the subway, catching the train, changin to the next train, getting bus to the university, and finally, climbing the staits to the classroom-- and reinforced each of these inital behaivors by comsuming a small square of chocalate, which i like but normally never eat, at the complation of each step, I was able to get all the way to class without either the chocolate or the internal struggle.
How to Apply Positive Reinforcement #1
Judy, a designer, took a weekly painting class at night a nearby university to keep her hand in; most of the twenty other peopls in the class were also designers. The teacher assigned weekly homework, which many of the students did not bother to complete. The teacher habitually harangued(nutuk, azarlama) the class for ten minutes or more over the poor showing of homework assignments. Tİred of being scolded, Judt suggested he reinfore the ones that did bring in assigments instead of heckling those who did'nt. He did so, reinforcing his pupils with public praise of each completed assignment. By the third week, the teacher not only had a happier class, he had raised the number of homeworks from about a third of the class to nearly three-quarters.