Ömer Hayyam

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Gıyaseddin Eb'ul Feth Ömer İbni İbrahim el-Hayyam or Ömer Hayyam (Persian: عمر خیام; d. 18 May 1048 - d. 4 December 1131), Iranian poet, philosopher, mathematician and astronomer. Khayyam was born in Nishapur. He was educated by the famous vizier of his time, Nizamül-Mülk and Hasan Sabbah, and by the famous scholar of the time, Muvaffakeddin Abdüllatif ibn el Lübad, in the same madrasah, and he never broke off his relationship with both of them throughout his life. Some sources; He states that Hasan Sabbah was from the city of Rey, and Nizamül-Mülk was older than Ömer Hayyam and Hasan Sabbah, so they did not study in the same madrasah. However, Omer Khayyam does not deny that Hasan Sabbah and Nizamul-Mulk were in a relationship. (Source: Samarkand-Amin Maalouf It should also be considered that Amin Maalouf may have fictionalized the relationship and stories of Hasan Sabbah and Nizamül-Mülk with Ömer Hayyam in this book. There is no such statement written in Khayyam's own language.) Omar Khayyam is considered by many scientists to be included in the Batini and Mu'tazila understandings. In order to understand the universe, he broke away from the dominant understanding in the Islamic culture in which he grew up, and expressed the reasoning he made within himself in the form of quatrains with a rare literary success. Khayyam was also a very good mathematician. In his work titled Algebra, which he wrote about unknown equations of the third degree, he used the Arabic word "thing" instead of the unknown number. He used the word meaning. Later, while this work was translated into other languages, it was translated into Spanish as "Xay". passed as . This word is reduced to its first letter and the symbol of the unknown number is "x". It started to be used as. He is the first scientist to use binomial expansion. Khayyam is generally famous for his rubais because his fondness for fun is evident in his poems. Unlike many famous people who lived in the past, Omar Khayyam's birth date is known day by day. The reason for this is that Omar Khayyam was an expert in the calendar, as in many other subjects, and he researched his own date of birth and found it exactly. In their rubai; It is seen that he reasons freely and without limits on issues related to life and humanity, such as the world, existence, God, the state and forms of social organization. While reasoning, he did not adhere to any rules accepted by the society he lived in or by the societies that lived in previous times, he did not accept the limits placed on the human mind by those who lived before him, in a sense, he redefined the world, man, and existence with his own mind; For this reason, he transcends his time and strives for "universality". has reached. However, it should not be forgotten that the period in which Khayyam lived had the socio-cultural infrastructure that would transcend the ages and create one of the greatest thinkers in history. The thinker lived in a period when philosophy received the attention it deserved in the Islamic world, which was perhaps experiencing the brightest periods of its history, and a synthetic Middle Eastern culture (Turkish-Indian-Arabic-Chinese-Byzantine) began to form in the Seljuk palaces, thus receiving a relatively impartial and scientific education. He was able to freely engage in philosophy in a society that did not consider philosophy a sin. Khayyam also has an important place in the history of world science. He prepared the Celali Calendar, which is much more precise than the Gregorian and Hijri Calendars used today. The mathematics concept taught in schools as Pascal's triangle, named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, was actually created by Omar Khayyam. He is one of the world's leading scientists in mathematics and astronomy. It is known that he has many scientific studies. He interpreted Euclid and has a star house in Khorasan. He was a defender of Greek science and a follower of Ibn Sina's thoughts. Many rubai have been mixed with Khayyam's rubai due to his fame; as far as is known, the number of his rubai is 158. But the ones attributed to him are over a thousand. In addition, Omar Khayyam is described as the first known anti-war activist in history. Although the translation of the rubai into Turkish was made by many different translators, the translation that made the rubai popular with the Turkish people was made by Sabahattin Eyüboğlu. Source: tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ömer_Hayyam
Full name:
Gıyaseddin Eb'ul Feth Ömer İbni İbrahim'el Hayyam
İranlı Şair, Filozof, Matematikçi ve Astronom
Nişabur, İran, 18 May 1048
Nişabur, İran, 4 December 1131


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I looked at the ground and they had fallen asleep. I looked under them and they had rotted and turned into soil.
Sen hiç gitmeyecek gibisin, değil mi ? O gidenler de hep senin gibiydiler.