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Güneş balçıkla sıvanamazdı ki!... Güneşin ışınlarına karşı gözlerini kapatanlar, sadece kendilerine gece yaparlardı...
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Everything that is alive is faced with death at any moment, and everything new is doomed to become obsolete.
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The eye sheds tears; The heart was also sipping sadness.
Sevr mağarasında
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"--Why are you worried about two people, the third of whom is Allah, O Abu Bakr?"
Sayfa 296Kitabı okudu
Şakk-ı Sadr Hadisesi
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...Abdullah ran out of breath and came to mother Halime. Excitedly: -This Quraysh brother of mine, two men in white clothes took him and laid him on the ground and cut his stomach open; Then they put them on top of each other and closed them, he said. Those who came consisted of two angels, one of whom was Gabriel, and they were going to open the heart of the Messenger of Allah, whose message would embrace all humanity, and wash him with Zamzam.
Efendimiz (sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem)
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... -Weigh this with ten people from your ummah, he said. They weighed me with ten people and I was heavy. Next: "Weigh it with a hundred people," he repeated. I was weighed by a hundred people and I was still too much for them. And this time: -Weigh him with a thousand people from his ummah, he said. I was weighed by a thousand people and I was heavy again. When he saw this, the man said: -Leave him alone! He said, "I swear to God, if you weigh him with all his ummah, he will still prevail over all of them."
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