Rick Edwards

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Tam adı:
Richard Philip Edwards
İngiliz Gazeteci, Sunucu ve Senaryo Yazarı
Enfield, Birleşik Krallık, 20 Mayıs 1979


2 okur okudu.
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Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
spaghettification :)))
By the time you approach event horizon, your feet which are approximately two meter closer to singularity at the heart of black hole, are experiencing a much stronger gravitational pull than your head. And so you are being stretched by what are known as tidal forces. Physicist - the fun one, at least- call it 'spaghettification'. You are being spaghettified, made long and thin, by a black hole.
To create a zombie, you need radical behaviour change, something like what a parasitic fungus called "Ophiocordyceps" achieves. Found in the Brazilian rainforest, the fungus infects ants, releasing a chemical coctail that turns them into tiny automata that have no control over their behaviour. After two days the zombie ants do the will of the fungus: the climb to a particular height where the temperature and humidity are optimal for fungal growth, and latch onto vegetation with mandibles. Once they are fixed, the fungus kill them by releasing a chemical weapon, and then grows a spore-releasing stalk called a stroma out of the back of their heads, so that it can spread itself further.
Sayfa 148 - Atlantic Books - LondonKitabı okudu
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Yorumlar ve İncelemeler

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272 syf.
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Kitap bazı bilim-kurgu filmlerini ele alarak onların baz alındığı bilim dalındaki gelişmeleri ele alarak filmde anlatılanların olabilirliğini tartışıyorlar. Kitapta ele alınan bilim kurgu filmleri: 1. Marslı 2. Jurassic Park 3. Interstellar 4. Maymunlar Cehennemi 5. Geleceğe Dönüş 6. 28 Gün Sonra 7. Matrix 8. Gattaca 9. Ex-Machina 10. Alien Kitap'ın çok geniş versiyonu ama aynı isim altında (science(ish)) bir radyo programı (podcast) da var onu da kitabın yazarları sunuyorlar ve her bölümde ayrı bi filmi ele alıyorlar.
Science(ish): The Peculiar Science Behind the Movies
Science(ish): The Peculiar Science Behind the MoviesMichael Brooks · Atlantic Books · 20173 okunma