Robert Musil

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His full name is Robert Edler Von Musil. He was born in Klagenfurt in 1880 and died in Geneva in 1942. His education was spent in line with his father's wishes, just like Kafka's. He studied at the schools his father wanted and became a mechanical engineer upon his request. He later earned a doctorate in psychology at the University of Berlin, studying philosophy, psychology, mathematics and physics. "Young Törless", which he published when he was only 26 years old. He suddenly attracted the attention of critics with his novel, and he turned down assistantship offers from important universities of the period, devoting himself entirely to writing. In literature, he criticized especially the writers who emphasized form and said, "art is not for art's sake, art is for life." defended his concept. He dealt with social and social problems throughout his literary life and knew how to skillfully place them in his novels. His masterpiece, "The Man Without Qualities", the first volume of which was published in 1930. Although he struggled with it throughout his life, he could not finish it for various reasons, and he wrote some parts of it many times, especially due to the importance he attached to style. In this work, he reflects the cultural discord, insecurities, and resentments of the pre- and post-World War I periods with great mastery. With the depth of his works, his perspective on art, and the artistic qualities of his works, Robert Musil is not only one of the greatest German novelists of the 20th century, but also one of the cornerstones of the modern novel. Although his name is not heard much by readers, he is often mentioned by critics along with important names of modern novel such as Franz Kafka, James Joyce, Marcel Proust and Virginia Woolf. His most important work, "The Man Without Qualities" Although it is unfinished, it is one of the monumental novels of world literature. He made important contributions to the formation of the contemporary novel.
Full name:
Robert Edler Von Musil
Avusturyalı Yazar
Klagenfurt, Avusturya-Macaristan, 6 November 1880
Cenevre, İsviçre, 15 April 1942


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