
『Ʉ₦ØⱤ₮ⱧØĐØӾ∇7』 isimli okurun asıl gönderisini gör
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These are almost utopian wishes, aren't they?
『Ʉ₦ØⱤ₮ⱧØĐØӾ∇7』 okurunun profil resmi
It depends on how you look at it. If your mentality works according to the mentality of the poor, it will seem utopian to you. If it works in the rich mentality, it will not seem utopian to you.
cemo okurunun profil resmi
I made a utopian assessment about doing it together... because we are talking about things that a person normally prefers to do on his own.
『Ʉ₦ØⱤ₮ⱧØĐØӾ∇7』 okurunun profil resmi
Now, i got u... Yeah why not?.. Life is full of surprises. Anything can happen in life.
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