Shahla Maharramova

Shahla Maharramova
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Bakı , Azərbaycan, 28 Mayıs
136 okur puanı
Nisan 2017 tarihinde katıldı
I put my forehead to his and said, "I want you to stay, Harry. We need you, Me and Connor." I grabbed his hand tighter. "But if you have to go, then go. Go if it hurts. Go if it's time. Just go knowing you were loved, that I will never forget you, that you will live in everything Connor and I do. Go knowing I love you purely, Harry, that you were an amazing father. Go knowing I told you all my secrets. Because you were my best friend."
Everyone sort of assumes that when faced with life-and-death situations, you will panic. But almost everyone who's actually experienced something like that will tell you that panic is a luxury you cannot afford. In the moment, you act without thinking, doing all you can with the information you have. It's when it's over that you scream. And cry. And wonder how you got through it. Because most likely, in the case of real trauma, your brain isn't great at making memories. It's almost as if the camera is on but no one's recording. So afterward, you go to review the tape, and it's all but blank.
Zəngin olduğunuz zaman zənginliyin dəyərsiz olduğunu demək mümkün olur
You can do that when you're rich and famous. You can decide that wealth and renown are worthless when you have them.

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
Bağlanmayacaksın bir şeye, öyle körü körüne. "O olmazsa yaşayamam." demeyeceksin. Demeyeceksin işte. Yaşarsın çünkü. Öyle beylik laflar etmeye gerek yok ki. Çok sevmeyeceksin mesela. O daha az severse kırılırsın. Ve zaten genellikle o daha az sever seni, Senin onu sevdiğinden. Çok sevmezsen, çok acımazsın. Çok sahiplenmeyince, çok ait
Let your friends abandon you for a relationship once. The good ones will always come back.
Life is a difficult, hard, sad, unreasonable, irrational thing. So little of it makes sense. So much of it is unfair. And a lot of it simply boils down to the unsatisfying formula of good and bad luck.
For some, the sound that defined their adolescence was the joyful shrieks of their siblings playing in the garden. For others, it was the chain rattle of their much-loved bike, hobbling along hills and vales. Some will recall birdsong as they walked to school, or the sound of laughing and footballs being kicked in the playground. For me, it was the sound of AOL dial-up internet.
It is hard enough to accept that this is what the physical body amounts to. But what about a person’s anger? What about her voice? Her laughter? Her arrogance? Her irreverence? Her humor, her ego, her honor, her character? Do these fingerprints of an individual life simply evaporate and disappear with the last exhale? And if that is so, what use all this struggle, misery, and strife? What difference whether a woman ever lived or not? Whether she was loved or unloved, educated or illiterate, wanted or unwanted by her parents, whether or not she suffered hurt and betrayal, or whether she still managed to retain her humanity and nobility? In the end, Bhima thinks, it doesn’t matter. It is all ash and dust. This is what it means to be human, she thinks: grains of dust arranged in human form—some dark, some light, some tall, some short, some male, some female. And in the end, the same gust of wind breaks them all down.
Don’t worry. The devil and I, we will take care of you.” “You don’t believe in God, but you believe in the devil?” “Sister. I have never seen the face of God. But the devil—I have seen him a thousand times. Isn’t that so
Parvati & BhimaKitabı okudu
"It isn't the words we speak that make us who we are. Or even the deeds we do. It is the secrets buried in our hearts."
Hope is a dangerous drug
Because without hope she may as well be dead. And after all, it costs as much to dream big as to dream small.
Land could be bought, sold, owned, divided, claimed, trampled, and fought over. The land was stained permanently with pools of blood; it bulged and swelled under the outlines of the countless millions buried under it. But the sea was unspoiled and eternal and seemingly beyond human claim.
Sayfa 341 - BhrimaKitabı okudu
Ölümdən sonra hər kəs müqəddəs olur.
In death, all men become saints, she thought, and she both welcomed and rebelled against the thought. Perhaps it was better this way-this erasing of bad memories, this replacement with happier ones, like changing a dirty tablecloth.
Sayfa 325 - SeraKitabı okudu
Now, with everything else-work, money, house, pride, dignity gone, only the love remains. You will never believe me, I know. But wherever we may be, I will remain Your husband, Gopal.
Sayfa 206 - Gopal səni heç sevmədim.Kitabı okudu
All these tears shed in the world, where do they go? she wondered. If one could capture all of them, they could water the parched, drought-stricken fields in Gopal's village and beyond. Then perhaps these tears would have value and all this grief would have some meaning. Otherwise, it was all a waste, just an endless cycle of birth and death; of love and loss.
Sayfa 240 - PoojaKitabı okudu
289 öğeden 16 ile 30 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.