
288 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
i really enjoyed and for sure i'll watch its anime too. baam, whose best friend lahel has been lost in a tower, decides to find her no matter what. But the thing he doesnt know is, it is not that easy. Only the ones who have been selected by the tower can enter, but he entered by himself, thats why he is called "irregular." in this tower, you can obtain anything you want, as long as you pass all the exams. and your rivals are monsters, indeed :D Each floor of the tower has an exam to send people to the next step. in the first floor, even though he is an irregular, the princess of the tower gives baam the "black march" (the powerful sword, which is really popular among other contestans.) But why? he is not strong enough, he is an irregular and doesnt know anything about the tower, why the princess selected him? All the exams were really nice, making you excited about what will happen. But i must say, (SPOİLER) killing 200 people and finding a group in 5 mins made me remember the squid game, but i guess tower of god was written far before. Anyway, in the 3th floor baam isnt even allowed to make the exam, its announced that he has made it even before trying it. But why? Who is baam exactly? we'll see in the next books...definitely recommended!
Tower Of God Vol. 1
Tower Of God Vol. 1Lee Jong Hui · Young Com · 201931 okunma
189 görüntüleme
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