
272 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
23 saatte okudu
Definitely check it out
4/5 Stars (%78/100) Honestly, I was not expecting it to be this good. I was prejudiced thinking that it would be like all the other books that deal with the problem of identity and finding your place in the world. However, I admit that I was wrong. It is much more than that. First of all, I loved the use of the supernatural in the book. Ultima is the wise guide archetype in the story but she is also very realistic despite her "powers." Anaya beautifully placed Ultima into this world. She is definitely my favorite character in the book and I loved her interaction between others, especially Antonio. Antonio is not all bad either. I usually end up disliking the main characters but he was really good. He is very similar to Stephen Daedalus in my opinion. The smart kid who tries to find his place in the world. (Not only because of his mixed blood) Some of the parts were difficult to read because of Spanish. It would be weird without them too I think. I have mixed feelings about this. Also, I got kind of bored in some parts, I found the book a bit long. However, the ending of the book was brilliant. Even I would cry at the end if I was not heartless and cold. I really liked it in general.
Bless Me, Ultima
Bless Me, UltimaRudolfo Anaya · Warner · 199425 okunma
62 görüntüleme
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