
108 syf.
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4 günde okudu
Thanatopsis' is written as an encouragement for mankind. The title is composed of two words: 'thanatos,' which means 'death,' and 'opsis,' which means 'view,' so 'Thanatopsis' actually means 'a view of death. The name comes from ancient greek mythology. In greek mythology ‘thanatos’ stands for bodily appearance of death. And ‘opsis’ means side, view, or appearance. The poem has a view of death. In this case, we understand that the poet is on the meditation on death, so there is a strong relation between death and nature. The poet tells us we should consider what nature has to say about death and dying and then proceeds to discuss how death is experienced by everyone, regardless of status, and should therefore be seen as something to be embraced rather than feared. “To him who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms, she speaks A various language; for his gayer hours She has a voice of gladness, and a smile”
ThanatopsisWilliam Cullen Bryant · 20104 okunma
19 görüntüleme
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