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Blindness Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Blindness sözleri ve alıntılarını, Blindness kitap alıntılarını, Blindness en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
İçimizde adı olmayan bir şey var, o şey bizim ne olduğumuzdur.
Kötü kader diye bir şey yoktur; 21. yüzyıl vardır. Ve bu yüzyıl yavrucuğum; Bir kelebeği bile intihar ettirebilir..
Someone will hate you for seeing, don't think that blindness has made us better people, it hasn't made us any worse. We're on our way though.
Even when misfortune is common to all, there are always some who have a worse time than others.
She simply died, from what scarcely matters, it is foolish for anyone to ask what someone died from, in time the cause will be forgotten, only two words remain, She died, and we are no longer the same women as we left here, the words they would have spoken we can no longer speak, and as for the others, the unnameable exists, that is its name, nothing else.
"Kim olduğunu bilmiyorsan kendin olabilmen mümkün değil."
They go around like ghosts, this must be what it means to be a ghost, being certain that life exists, because your four senses say so, and yet unable to see it.
She asked herself if she had some good reason for wanting to go on living. She could find no reply, replies do not always come when needed, and it often happens that the only possible reply is to wait for them.
İnsan aklı , kendi yarattığı canavarlara teslim olacak kadar ileri gidebiliyordu...
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