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Şehadet şerbetine son saatler. Var mı daha güzel şey? Varsa o da sadece annemdir, ama ondan emin değilim. İkisinin kıyası çok zor. Şehadet mi, annem mi? ...
Birkaç diğergam ağabeyimizin, kendileri gibi hayırsever insanları dünyanın her yerinden mazlumlarla buluşturmak; ırk, dil, din ayrımı gözetmeksizin zulümle mücadele etmek ve mazluma el uzatmak niyetiyle bir araya gelerek başlattığı, 20. ve 21. asrın şahit olduğu belki de en büyük iyilik hareketinin, kenarından köşesinden müdahil olabildiğim için

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
"Seneler evvel Şam’ın meşhur Hamidiye çarşısından geçiyordum. Dükkâncının biri, “Akmışa İstanbulî (İstanbul kumaşları)” diye bağırarak malını satıyordu. Yanına yaklaştım. “Beyabiciğim, Şam’ın üç şeyi meşhurdur: Tatlısı, kızı, kumaşı. Hâl böyleyken siz İstanbul kumaşı mı satıyorsunuz?” diye sordum. Adamcağız şaşırdı. Sonra izah etti. İstanbul kumaşları, İstanbul’a lâyık, yani fevkalâde güzel kumaşlar demekmiş. İstanbul malı kumaşlar değilmiş. Şam’da kaldıkça İstanbulî tabirinin büyük bir övgü kelimesi olduğunu iyice öğrendim." ekrembugraekinci.com/article/?ID=1232
Kitabın Özeti Mahiyetinde
Why is it a problem if all females are expected to act feminine and all males to act masculine? Part of the answer is that femininity and masculinity are defined hierarchically: generally, becoming feminine means assuming a subordinate position relative to men. For example, learning to act feminine means learning to walk and move in a more constrained and less confident way than men (see Young 1980). Yet if the problem with gender is only that at present gender is hierarchical, then the solution would be to redefine the genders nonhierarchically. But Butler thinks that having two genders at all is a problem. She believes it [is] undesirable for societies to expect males and females to act in systematically different ways. This is undesirable (1) because it means that anyone who does not sufficiently conform to their expected gender will be marginalized and frowned upon - and this is likely to be all of us at some time or other. Moreover, (2) if there are two genders in society, then inevitably they will appear to need one another as complements and so heterosexuality will seem normal and natural. Thus, having two genders means that homo- or bisexual people will be treated as deviant and unnatural.
Sayfa 65
However, Butler argues, some ways of acting out gender norms implicitly or explicitly challenge the idea, central to the heterosexual matrix, that gender expresses sex. She uses drag as an example (Butler 1990a: 136-9). Men getting up in drag, doing the gestures and postures and wearing the clothes which signify femininity, shows that 'being' feminine is just a matter of doing certain activities. Drag shows that these activities can be done by anyone of any sex and need not be expressive of the agent's female sex. Drag thus reveals that gender is 'performative' - existing only so far as it is performed. Another of Butler's examples is butch/femme relationships between lesbians. In these, the butch adopts conventionally 'masculine' attributes - strength, emotional awkwardness, protectiveness while the 'feminine' femme is caring and emotional. This shows that these masculine and feminine attributes exist only as long as people perform them, and that females as well as males can perform masculine traits (Butler 1991). Butler considers drag, butch/femme roles, and any other kinds of activity that similarly expose the performative status of gender, to be subversive. These activities subvert or undermine the matrix of assumptions that organizes our society. Specifically, these activities subvert the norm that males must act masculine and females feminine.
Sayfa 64
Bir hadîs-i şerîflerinde de: "Size kimin Cehennem'den, Cehennem'in de o kimseden uzak olduğunu söyleyeyim mi?" diye suâl ettikten sonra: "O kimseler nâzik, müşfik, merhametli, cana yakın ve yumuşak olanlardır." buyurmuşlardı. (Ahmed, I, 415)
Sayfa 63
Zengin, fakirden mes'ûldür. Yani fakir, zengine zimmetlidir. Dünyada fakir, zengine muhtaçtır. Âhirette ise zengin, fakirin duâsına muhtaçtır, fakire verdiği sadakanın ecrine muhtaçtır. Hâli-vakti yerinde olan, garip ve kimsesizden mes'ûldür. Kuvvetli olan, zayıftan mes'ûldür. Sıhhatli olan, hastadan mes'ûldür. Dünyada hasta, sıhhatli insanın yardımına muhtaçtır. Kıyâmette, o zor günde ise, o sıhhatli insan, hastanın duâsına muhtaçtır. Bilen, bilmeyenden mes'ûldür. Hâsılı İslâm'da, her imkân sahibi, o imkândan mahrum olandan mes'ûldür. Herkes birbirine zimmetlidir.
Sayfa 48
Like intersexed people, transsexed and transgendered people resist straight-forward classification in terms of sex categories. Even people who undergo a complete sex-change retain their original chromosomes. So, although a post-operative male-to-female transsexual counts as female (in most contexts) because of her genitals and secondary characteristics, she still lacks the XX chromosomes that are often thought necessary for being female. Those who undergo only partial surgery, or only take hormones, or deliberately try to craft an ambiguous body, will have an even more mixed set of characteristics. Again, this shows that the various properties that are relevant to maleness and femaleness need not go together in sets. The case of sex-changed people also suggests that one can be male or female without having to have the whole set of properties that are relevent to a given sex.
Sayfa 42
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