Afshan Bayramova

Afshan Bayramova
Your gut instinct functions to make things better,whereas your imagination can often make things worse
Afshan Bayramova
@Bagramli·Thinking of reading a book
İnsandan Kaçan
İnsandan KaçanMolière
7.9/10 · 1,290 reads
When we are faced with resentment, what we instead must do is reinvent our image of those around us or those we have perceived as having wronged us. Other people are not here to love us perfectly; they are here to teach us lessons to show us how to love them-and ourselves-better.

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Irrational fears
At the core of the things we most fear is a message that we are trying to send ourselves about what we really care about. If we can identify what we want to protect,we can find healthier and more secure ways to do it.🩷
People will respect you far more if you can acknowledge that you are an imperfect person-like everyone else- learning,adapting and trying your best.🩷
MartıRichard Bach
8.3/10 · 67.2k reads
384 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
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Emotional Intelligence
Emotional IntelligenceDaniel Goleman
8.3/10 · 2,809 reads
Goleman doesn’t just talk about emotional intelligence,he weaves a tapestry of insights that illuminate the path to greater self-awareness and deeper connections with others. - Empathy is the silent language of the heart, speaking volumes without uttering a single word.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Afshan Bayramova tekrar paylaştı.
Ağzına kadar çiçeklerle , gün ışığıyla, binbir renkle doluydu bu dünya, binbir ışıkla, binbir kuşla, binbir sesle, binbir kokuyla, binbir sevgiyle, binbir merhametle doluydu bu dünya, hepsini öldürmedik mi, diyordu Dengbej Uso.
Sayfa 257
Afshan Bayramova
@Bagramli·Thinking of reading a book
Rezonans Kanunu
Rezonans KanunuPierre Franckh
8.4/10 · 4,172 reads
You take things don't control and define them as "good" or "bad." And so of course when the "bad" things happen, or the "good" ones don't, you blame the gods and feel hatred for the people responsible-or those you decide to make responsible. Much of our bad behavior stems from trying to apply those criteria. If we limited "good and "bad" to our own actions, we'd have no call to challenge God, or to treat other people as enemies.
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