
“You know, people react differently when someone breaks their heart. Some would lick their wounds and run. Others would keep their distance and hide.” “What camp are you?” “Neither. I choose to fight for my freedom. I owe myself that much, don’t you think?”
“But then again, isn’t obsession just another form of extreme hate?”
I’m like a wave, no matter how high or wild I get, I’ll always crush against the unmovable rock at the shore. Because that rock? That rock is where waves like me go to die.

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Back then, none of them could barge through my icy exterior. None of them could reach me. In a way, I was untouchable. Now, I’m drowning and I can’t come up for air.
Elsa’s electric blue eyes focus back on my face. Only there’s nothing electric about them. They’re dark and dead like the bottom of the ocean. She’s looking at me, but she’s not seeing me. It’s like she’s lost in a world of her own making and no one is allowed inside. Fuck that.
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İnsan kalbi taşıdığın için ne mutlu sana, Feyre. Bırak hiçbir şey hissetmeyen zavallılar kendine acısın.
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