Mika Stoitchkov

Mika Stoitchkov
Beautiful skin is the same, funny soul is one thousandth
The Sons of Cain [the rebel by Albert Camus] now, reading this means I’ve overcame a bad time of thinking I found true love to just to get everything taken away from me by the choices of time — not my fault I do not blame myself, but I am reassured at last that I have found the one. And agree with myself upon this 1000 times. But a while back, I was going through a rough time. In the book there is a section I haven’t read past since I closed this book in rage. Metaphysical rebellion — and about the difference between one with the mental power to change and one with the physical power. Metaphysical rebellion, in the real sense of the term, does not appear, in coherent form, in the history of ideas until the end of the eighteenth century—when modern times began to be the accompaniment of the cars of the falling ramparts. But from then on, its consequences develop uninterruptedly and its mo exaggeration to say that they have shaped the history of our times. Does this mean that metaphysical rebellion had no significance previous significance to this date? In any event, its origins must belong to the remote past, in that way we like to believe that we live in Promethean times, but is this really a Promethean age?
The Canterbury Tales — 1930 reprint by the International collectors library When April with his showers sweet with fruit the drought of march has pierced unto the root And bathed each vein with liquor that has power to generate therein and sire with sweet breath Quickened again, in every holt and heath The tender shoots and buds, and the young sun into the Ram one half his course has run And many little birds make melody

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Seeking help in regards to reading fiction books Since the beginning of this year I've been getting into reading books, mostly fiction though. It's starting to become my favorite thing to do above anything else. But what pains me is that very recently I have started to have a mental block when reading fiction books. Basically when ever I'm starting a fiction book and trying to get immersed into it's universe my mind just keeps telling me, "This isnt even real, why are you acting like it is?". For the past week, I haven't even been able to get past chapter 1 of a book. Getting immersed into a universe and imagining that it is real has been impossible, due to this annoyance. This mental block has seriously hindered from reading and ultimately escaping this world for a bit. Not only has this been happening with novels but other fiction medias as well. I badly want to enjoy reading fiction books again, really become properly immersed into the various universes and get lost in imagine that they are real ,without this hinderence. So please, anyone, I need help with getting past this mental block and removing it out of my head; any tips would help. Thank you
Can you use a fictional character from another story as an inspiration for your own? For instance the protagonist of my novel says that he met Indiana Jones in Mexico in 1959 and recounts their conversations and finally tells that this event inspired him to study archaeology. The whole flashback of their encounter is no longer than 6 pages. It clearly makes reference to known Indiana Jones frenchise but apart from my protagonist's conveying of this encounter, Indiana Jones plays no active role in the novel.
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