Ne Okusam?
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25 okur puanı
Ekim 2022 tarihinde katıldı
"And after Alderaan, I don't think it's possible to be neutral anymore," she added quietly. "Either you support the Empire's oppression, or you fight it."
Sayfa 348Kitabı okudu
"I mean it, Commander," Marcross said into the brittle silence. "Put them down." Commander ... and suddenly, in LaRone's mind's eye, they were back aboard the Suwantek after that skirmish with the swoop gang, their first battle as a team. That's part of leadership, Marcross had said as the two of them stood alone in the cargo bay. Knowing and understanding the men of your command. And trusting them. Trusting... "Drop your weapons," LaRone confirmed quietly.
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"We're not here to fix the galaxy, Solo," Grave said. "We're just soldiers." "I'm not here to fix the galaxy, either," Han assured them, choosing his words carefully. He had a pretty good read on these men now, and the best way to sell them on this would be to echo their own feelings and motives straight back at them. "I just want to fix a corner of it here and there." He waved out toward the stars. "Rescuing our friend is one of those corners." "Our oath of allegiance was to the Emperor." "Maybe," Han said, "But if you ask me, a soldier's real job is to protect the people."
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Okur Takip Önerileri

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Don't focus, Ben's voice admonished. Not yet. First seek out and identify all possible threats, wherever they may lurk.
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Living through a war, her father had once said, forced one to learn geography. Participating in a war, Leia had discovered, forced one to learn people.
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"This isn't about politics, Han," she said. "This is about survival against-" "Of course it's about politics," he interrupted, turning back to glare at her. "It's always about politics. One Rebel leader pushes to get what he wants, the other leaders try to keep him from grabbing all the credit, and you and Mon Mothma and Rieekan try to soothe everyone's ruffled feathers. That's not survival, Princess. Thats politics. "
"It's all about familiarity," Luke agreed soberly. "No matter how unpleasant or dreary a place might have become, it's always hard to give up something you've become so used to." Jinzler nodded, remembering back to his childhood. "Coruscant. "Tatooine," Luke said. "The Empire," Mara added guietly.
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Maris said. Her forehead wrinkled slightly. “Thrawn did stop his attack, didn’t he?” Car’das felt his stomach tighten. Maris had been a shipmate, someone he’d spent half a year living and working and fighting alongside. More than that, he considered her a friend. He’d never lied to a friend before. Did he really want to start now? And with a lie as terrible as this one? And then, Thrawn’s voice seemed to float up from his memory. There are all too few idealists in this universe... The truth wouldn’t help the dead of Outbound Flight. All it could do was hurt Maris. “Of course he stopped Stratis’s attack,” he assured her with all the false heartiness he could create. “I was right there when Outbound Flight flew away.”
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“There are all too few idealists in this universe, Car’das. Too few people who strive always to see only the good in others. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for crushing even one of them.”
Sayfa 340 - -ThrawnKitabı okudu
“No warrior ever has the full depth of control that he would like,” Mitth’raw’nuruodo said, his voice calmer but still troubled. “But I wish here that it might have been otherwise.”
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“Do not beg!” the Miskara snapped. “Grubs beg. Inferiors beg. Not beings who would speak and bargain with the Vagaari. If you wish us to help you and your companions, you must find more to offer me.”
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Car’das braced himself. "I will do whatever necessary," Thrawn had once told him, "to protect those who depend on me."
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“With all due respect, Master Ma’Ning, for us to even get involved with Outbound Flight’s décor seems a little ridiculous,” Lorana offered. ... “People attuned to the Force should be more capable of dispensing justice and maintaining integrity than those who aren’t. But it’s also hard to see what that has to do with how people decorate their own messrooms.”
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The muscles in Thrass’s cheeks tightened; but it was Ar’alani who answered. “Neither Syndic Mitth’ras’safis nor I is unsympathetic toward Commander Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” she said evenly. “We wish only to protect him from his own excesses of zeal and ability.” “From his excess of ability?” Car’das snorted. “That’s a new one.” “He’s a gifted tactician and commander,” Ar’alani said. “But without proper restraint he’ll eventually go too far and end his days in exile. What good will those gifts do anyone then?”
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"There's no disgrace in backing out of a no-win situation General," Pellaeon said quietly. "I saw Grand Admiral Thrawn do it than once, forthrightly and without embarrassment, rather more than waste his men and ships. That's no more or less what I am proposing we do now."
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