"You," he says, “are so much weirder than I thought." "Well, for what it's worth, before tonight, I assumed you went into a broom closet and entered power saving mode whenever you weren't at work, so I guess we're both surprised." "Now you're being ridiculous," he says. "When I'm not at work, I'm in my coffin in the basement of an old Victorian mansion." I snort into my glass, which makes him crack a real, human smile. It lives, I think.
Do Not Love Half Lovers, by KHALIL GIBRAN
Do not love half lovers Do not entertain half friends Do not indulge in works of the half talented Do not live half a life and do not die a half death If you choose silence, then be silent When you speak, do so until you are finished Do not silence yourself to say something And do not speak to be silent If you accept, then express it bluntly Do
A Lovers Smile
The most dangerous lover is one who greets the pain with a smile.
Sayfa 183