When I was rescheduling my appointment, a part of me wondered if I was being ridiculous. A girl I’ve just met isn’t worth jeopardizing my future over. It was easier to have that thought when I wasn’t looking at her, because now I can’t remember why I hesitated at all.
“About Lorenzo’s lack of feeling for females,” Leo tells her. Melody laughs. “I don’t know... based on the noises coming out of his bedroom at around midnight last night, I’d say he was feeling something with a woman.” “He was making her feel something. Big difference.” Leo turns back to me, cocking an eyebrow. “What was this one’s name?” “Barbie,” I say. “And is Barbie her real name?” Leo asks. “Or is that just what you’re calling her, since she was platinum blonde and plastic?” Okay, he’s got me there... “That’s what I thought,” he continues when I don’t answer. No point wasting my breath. He knows. “Bet you probably don’t even remember her real name.” “It was Tina.” “Really?” “No, I don’t know,” I say, standing up. “I didn’t pay attention to a word she said.”
Sayfa 45 - Published January, burada bir gülmüşüm ki... anlatamam. Ya Lorenzo aşırı karizmatik AŞIRI. Karissa'nın arkadaşı Melody'de burada, sevgilisi Leo'nun ağabeyi Lorenzo oluyor jdsldjg aşırı iyi ya.
Of the Elves of Eregion
‘There is a wholesome air about Hollin. Much evil must befall a country before it wholly forgets the Elves, if once they dwelt there.’ ‘That is true,’ said Legolas. ‘But the Elves of this land were of a race strange to us of the silvan folk, and the trees and the grass do not now remember them. Only I hear the stones lament them: deep they delved us, fair they wrought us, high they builded us; but they are gone. They are gone. They sought the Havens long ago.’
HarperCollins Illustrated Edition 1991
191 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
POLİSİYENİN KRALİÇESİ AGATHA, POP'UN KRALI MICHAEL'DİR. NE ALAKA? Şimdi içinizde polisiye sevmeyen, onu edebi bir tür olarak görmeyen, zaman kaybı, çıtır çerez olarak gören bir kesim var. Biliyorum. Sizin birinizi bile bu yoldan döndürmeyi şu andan itibaren görev edinmiş bulunmaktayım. Michael içinse... Gönlümün Prensi. Onu sevmeyeniniz,
On Küçük Zenci
On Küçük ZenciAgatha Christie · Altın Kitaplar · 200632 okunma
“Because home is where the heart is, I guess,” she says. “So why go there?” “Because I need to remember.” “Remember what?” “That I have a heart still out there somewhere.”
Film önerisi isteyenlerin ilgisini çekeceğini düşünüyorum.. 1- Yağmur Adam (Otizm) 2- Benim Adım Sam (Zeka geriliği olan bir baba ve kızı) 3- Sol ayağım (Fiziksel engeli olan bir adam) 4- Guguk Kuşu (Psikiyatri kliniğinde geçen olaylar) 5- Aklım Karıştı (Psikiyatri kliniğinde geçen olaylar) 6- Akıl Oyunları (Şizofreni) 7- Wilber Ölmek
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