152 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Arkada Yaylılar Çalıyor.
I have been following Melikşah for a long time and he wrote a book i think It is very exciting. I ordered immediately and the same day it arrived. I read it in one sitting with a mug of coffee. I loved the AZ TT series so much that it was impossible not to be excited about the book. Short stories written in simple and fluent language. Mourning, death, relationships and farewells.. it's a very intimate book. Those who have suffered traumatic loss will recognize themselves in his text. Absolutely heartbreaking..
Arkada Yaylılar Çalıyor
Arkada Yaylılar Çalıyor
Melikşah Altuntaş
Melikşah Altuntaş
Arkada Yaylılar Çalıyor
Arkada Yaylılar ÇalıyorMelikşah Altuntaş · Holden Kitap · 2024504 okunma
384 syf.
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6 saatte okudu
Well, this was annoying. She talked about how little, small, petite she was and how big, strong, tall Joshua was in EVERY single f*cking page. I wanted to slap her for her 'i am a small girl and i need a big man to protect me attitude.' She was spoiled and he was overprotective, but not in a cute way. She was hurt by his snarky comments and name picking but wasn't that how it was supposed to do? I mean they hated each other and they were trying to make each other miserable. She was also being sarcastic and mean. So, why did he become the bad guy here? The book is called The Hating Game but they were even not playing after like 40-50 pages after the kiss. She was totally in love and didn't even bother to hide it. How couldn't she see he was in love too when she saw his apartment? It makes zero sense. There was absolutely no reason, no hate for them not be lovers at that point. She suddenly turned into a horny teenager and her crazy horniness was so embarrassing. She never tried to show him how he cared about him and she only objectified him i felt sad for the guy. And weren't they supposed to be rivals at work and fall in love while they were messing with each other according to the trope. So, what was all this about? It felt like the writer took 3 different tropes and combined them to make a different book(!). I'm sorry but she messed up. The only part I loved was their little dirty road trip conversation. It was both cute and hot.
Nefret Oyunu
Nefret OyunuSally Thorne · Yabancı Yayınevi · 20182,272 okunma
384 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
7 günde okudu
Absolutely astonishing!
Bayılıyorum bu adama
Cengiz Aytmatov
Cengiz Aytmatov
birde her eserinin sonunda salya sümük ağlamasam daha iyi olacak sanırım. Yalnızca bu kitabında değil okuduğum hemen her eserinde inanılmaz derecede tatmin olmuş ve birazda hüzünlü bir şekilde kitaplığa bırakıyorum kitabı. Sonra amazona girip bir başka Cengiz Aytmatov kitabı alıyorum :D son olarak Absolutely astonishing! Do not scratch your eyes!
Dişi Kurdun Rüyaları
Dişi Kurdun RüyalarıCengiz Aytmatov · Ötüken Neşriyat · 20237bin okunma
404 syf.
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7 saatte okudu
many many spoilers This was...not my favorite. Beau was just looking someone who can babysit him and Maggie wasn't a Domme at all. She was only doing it because the kink test told her so. Beau was strictly against the club, his father's kinks and the kink world in general, but after he spent two minutes in the app, he was more eager than
MercySara Cate · ‎ Sara Cate Books LLC · 09 okunma
256 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
11 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%75/100) As the title suggests, this is a collection of stories and poems and my favorite text was definitely "War Dances." The narrator's reaction to his suffering, and his relationship with his family and other Natives were really interesting. "Salt" was also a really good but sad text. Alexie knows exactly how to make you sad but he also manages to present his ideas and emotions in a funny way. Since he is my favorite Native American writer, I knew I was going to like the book. However, to me, it is not on the same level as The Absolutely True or The Lone Ranger. Still, this was a very enjoyable book.
War Dances
War DancesSherman Alexie · Grove Press · 20091 okunma
544 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
6 saatte okudu
, savaşı, otoriteyi ve toplumsal normları çarpıtan hicivli bir başyapıttır. Kara mizahi karakterler ve absürt durumlar aracılığıyla
Joseph Heller
Joseph Heller
, varoluşçuluk, birey-sistem ve şiddetin psikolojik etkileri gibi derin temaları araştırıyor. Bazen zorlayıcı ve kasvetli olsa da, mizahi ve güçlü mesajı onu kalıcı ve düşündürücü bir okuma haline
Catch-22Joseph Heller · VINTAGE · 20043 okunma
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