Whether power corrupts is debatable, but Lord Acton was certainly right when he argued that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Fabric and structure of existence itself
“ Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream and you would naturally as you begin on this adventure of dreams you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you see and after several nights you would say wow that was pretty great but now let's have a surprise let's have a dream
Our mind constructs "time" and its time's rate is that of its besouled body's terrestrial habitat; although it, not un- naturally, has supposed it to be an universal and absolute Time. The last preceding turn of its planet is its "yesterday and the next expected turn will be its "tomorrow"
36 syf.
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5/5 Stars (%100/100) My favourite poem of all time. I've read it hundreds of times and I LOVE IT. P.B. Shelley is a great poet and I really really enjoy his poems. However, "Ozymandias" is rather different than others. I believe poems are about feelings. You feel close to certain ones and this is why some people feel personal connection to poems. "Ozymandias" is my poem and I absolutely love it. This is actually a picture book edition of the poem. The illustrations in the book are really beautiful and depict the scenes perfectly. If you like this poem, you should definitely check this one out.
OzymandiasPercy Bysshe Shelley · Hoopoe Books · 199934 okunma
“You are,” he says, “the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had.” Henry’s mouth spreads into a slow smile, and Alex kisses it.
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