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I'm asking you, oh dear
Yusuf Hayaloğlu
Yusuf Hayaloğlu
, what makes you so worried that you can write such poems? These are the lines of such a rebellion. I wonder what you experienced, what you saw, what you felt, and how you drank away the pain. The poems are hard, very hard, hitting your brain, your heart, blow by blow. The poems are passionate and painful, devastating and devastating. It should definitely not be read with a sober mind because it is very affecting. There is a revenge, a disintegration, a destruction within the human being. He says stop crying, but even men cry over these poems... They asked the poet: You travel all the time, but where is your homeland? You have no home, no place, what is this? The poet said: I am without a place so that no evil can knock on my door. Knock on the door of my poetry, which is the address of the placeless! They asked the poet: You always write, what is the value of this? Or is it worth tearing his liver apart so much? The poet said: I ran the horse of poetry to the path of love for my people. The horse has no value but its saddle is golden They asked the poet: What have you contributed to your children's life all these years? Didn't you waste your whole life for a few verses in vain? The poet said: I couldn't find bread for my own children, but I have never caused any child's tears!
Dur...Ağlama Gözlerim
Dur...Ağlama GözlerimYusuf Hayaloğlu · Ağaç Yayınları · 2010560 okunma
Gitti ah... Gecelere hüzünleri serperek. Yaralı bir kuş gibi kanarcasına gitti.. Yalvaran gözlerime elemi pay ederek, Bir kabahatmiş gibi, Kaçarcasına gitti.. Gitti ah... Şarkılara bel bağlamak faydasız.
Mezarcı kardeş; Bir çukur da bana kaz elin değmişken. Ah, hiçine harcadım güzelim yılları hiçine! Hiçine harcadım ben bu sevdaları hiçine! Belki bu akşam, gelip uzanabilirim içine.
Ah o yara, gurur yarası... İçimiz yangın yıkıntısı, viran; İçimiz bir kül tablası..
Sayfa 137 - NE KALDI
Ne varsa buğusu genzi yakan, Ekmek gibi aşk gibi Ah, ne varsa güzellikten yana, Bölüştüm, büyümüştüm. İçime sığmıyordu insanlar…
Sayfa 122 - Hani Benim Gençliğim
435 öğeden 1 ile 10 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.