In Turkey, the census does not indicate the nationality, because all residents of Turkey are considered Turks, so it is impossible to name at least the approximate number of Turkish citizens, considering themselves as Crimean Tatars.
Trade, War and Ceremony
Venice bought vital ports from local rulers and defended them against the encroaching Ottoman Turks.
Sayfa 119 - Yale University PressKitabı okudu
For if the Christian Princes ever strive To win fair Greece out of the tyrants’ hands, And those usurping Ismaelites deprive Of woful Thrace, which now captived stands, You must from realms and seas the Turks forth drive, As Godfrey chased them from Juda’s lands, And in this legend, all that glorious deed, Read, whilst you arm you; arm you, whilst you read.
Seyahatname yazarları, din adamları ve polemikçiler erken dönem Britanya’sının Müslüman imajını tanımlayan temsilleri yarattılar.Meşhur ve yaygın bir şekilde okunan eserlerinde Müslüman stereotiplerini tesis ettiler.... “Türkler” zalim ve gaddar, sapık ve aldatıcıydılar.” Nabil Matar / Turks,Moors and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery adlı eseri 12-13
Sayfa 201Kitabı okudu
Despite the lack of structural economic reform, the Turkish economy in the 1960s grew at a respectable rate of almost 7 per cent, the target set by the SPO. This constituted almost an industrial revolution and the take-off of a kind which few other Third World states have managed. (...) Unfortunately, the expansion of the economy was lopsided and unhealthy in the long run. Production in agriculture and industry increased only 75 per cent as fast as the planners had hoped while growth in the construction and service sectors, where the returns were quicker and the profit margins higher, exceeded the goals set by the SPO. Moreover, the economy became overly dependent on foreign exchange sent by Turks working abroad; that source was unpredictable and dependent on the boom in Europe. When the downturn came in the early 1970s, the consequences for Turkey were severe.
Sayfa 133 - 134
"the Turks behave kindly to every sort of animal. The dog among them is considered a foul and unclean animal, and therefore they keep it out of their houses; its place is taken by the cat, a creature endowed, as they think, with far more correct notions of propriety than the dog. For this preference they quote the example of Mahomet their lawgiver, who was so fond of his cat, that when she had fallen asleep on his sleeve as he sat at table, and the hour summoned him to the mosque to his devotions, he preferred to cut off his sleeve rather than disturb her sleep."
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